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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. If she was worried about it seeming as a cash-grab she would just upload the audio on youtube. She did that with Chelsea Hotel No. 2. when she wanted to give us that one.
  2. Creyk

    Lily Allen

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpMPkfOXP84 new song
  3. Right? It really stands out next to the other great titles, like the ugly middle child or something. Don't know what she was thinking.
  4. She should do karpool karaoke. The fact is she loves driving so she would be comfortable there and her kooky personality would shine. I want her to blow smoke in James Corden's face.
  5. Well the hiab and cinnamon snippets are over a minute they give a perfectly good idea of what the full song will be like
  6. Creyk

    How to Disappear

    But VB and MAC are horrible compared to the 2 songs you mentioned, so what is the truth?
  7. Creyk

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Several people are saying they have it and I'm like WHERE is it
  8. More like perfection I mean Art Deco alone is a discography highlight
  9. You always have to wait until the following album comes out. That is the rule.
  10. She did but she needs to change her mind for our sake You know 11 songs are not enough.
  11. So Far: Happiness is a butterfly > Sylvia > Cinnamon > How To Disappear > Venice Bitch > Warriors by Ke$ha >>>>>> Mariners Apartment Complex
  12. 3 But there needs to be a deluxe edition with 5 additional songs. What Miss Thing will NOT do is deny us another perfection like Flipside/Fine China when she can just make it a Japanese exclusive bonus track so only her most devoted of stans can get it
  13. I know right? This album is still so good, I miss it when I don't hear it for a couple of days. The title track, change, groupie love I mean...it's excellent
  14. Did you guys see the interpretation where this song is about the guy who video games is about whose wedding pics she posted on instagram a couple of weeks ago?
  15. Well that makes sense considering the movie is about a nobody becoming a star...while Lana is a star already.
  16. So the last song released before the album will be How to Disappear, not HIAB or Roses Bloom For You
  17. I feel like it's a missed opportunity she didn't also sing Carmen as the third song.
  18. She didn't lie when she said Change inspired the next record, How To Disappear is giving me the same vibes
  19. I just realized we didn't get a high quality recorded performance like this from her in like 4 years. We are so lucky.
  20. her little speech before starting to sing was so cute
  21. Creyk

    Charli XCX

    That's silly, ALL, even the most untalented and lame musicians have that 1-2 "gem" in their discography that is such a great song, you can enjoy it for the rest of your life. You just have to dig through a lot of dirt to find it sometimes. But with how many followers this girl has, I thought her good to bad song ratio would be higher.
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