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About prettydrugs

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  • Birthday 06/12/1993

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  1. omg i love this title so much i already feel like im gonna be so obsessed with this song she sounds happy, im so glad
  2. #3 Complex http://www.complex.com/music/2014/12/best-albums-2014/ Earlier this year, Lana Del Rey performed a 10-song set at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery—the place where her idols lay to rest, within the city that she's idolized, the Old Hollywood she attempts to embody within her music. She, frankly, peaked. Just two years after her second, highly acclaimed Born to Die album, Lana linked up with Black Keys virtuoso Dan Auerbach for a ride through the West, with enough twang to make even her own idols bow before her. Because that's what Lana does best—takes the iconic old souls, farms their depression, and crafts it into a stunning, no matter how contrived, body of work. Ultraviolence is just under an hour, a refreshing 11 songs that Lana perfected to represent all rumors about the artist she really is. "West Coast," the woozy first single, followed by "Sad Cry," a tale about being the other woman, are two tracks that define the album. Followed up with cuts like "Brooklyn Baby," which she wrote with Lou Reed in mind, to "Fucked My Way Up to the Top," a bluesy diss track that comments on the media's perception of her. Throughout all 11 tracks on Ultraviolence, Lana makes one thing clear and it's that her want to retreat from the same glory and fame she desired balances seamlessly with her longing for the glamorous world in the first place.
  3. @ get help btw Ultraviolence landed #3 on RollingStone readers' poll of best album of 2014! happy
  4. i love both songs tbh i dont even try to decide which is better, they're both amazing songs in their singularity and i cant wait to buy them on itunes
  5. Hurt my feelings?! LOL. this is hilarious... of course u can say whatever u want, i just think what u said is shit. No feelings hurt
  6. lol i do remember, and i thought she was sweet and still dont understand why people complain about it.. hope lorde doesnt win tbh
  7. i really hope she will attend, i'd loove to see her sitting at a table with Amy Adams, Christoph Waltz and Tim Burton also seeing her winning, her face if they announce her name and her speech omg im so excited.
  8. Here the nominees, the ceremony will take place Jan 11: Original Song in Motion Picture Big Eyes, Big Eyes, Lana Del Rey Glory, Selma, John Legend and Common Mercy Is, Noah, Patty Smith and Lenny K Opportunity, Annie, Sia Yellow Flicker Beat, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part I, Lorde hope she gets the oscar nomination too! So proud
  9. Judging someone by the amount of awards they have is pathetic. She's awful. SO HAPPY ABOUT UV, it's my favorite album ever and deserves this
  10. am i the only one that when voting thinks 'oh yeah everyone's gonna vote for this so i should give it a low score or dont even put it there so i can make space for the songs i love that no one is gonna vote' ?? yeah messy thought... fuck i shouldnt have done that
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