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subversive light

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Everything posted by subversive light

  1. this bitch is going to release the album in july mark my words hope im wrong this time lol
  2. im late for the party i cant believe i didn't know it what else has leaked? do we have a title or something
  3. i absolutely love them, i have only the singles collection but it's already something for someone who never saw anything from them in my country el mañana and tomorrow comes today are underrated songs btw
  4. it's a freaking joke holy shit ppl get bothered bc you tell jokes,., lana save us pls ~~ the only thing we are sure about the new album is that its going to take a long time to know more stuff im not even surprised if she releases it in july shit i was right
  5. what the actual fuck she wouldn't be wearing white if she was on her period lol
  6. ^^^^^^^^^ if i where there, i would be pretty disappointed at lana and y'all should stop acting like it was an iconic performance, she was bored but she is still a nice person when she goes to meet her fans at stage/street at least lol smiles and everything else
  7. idk why but i think she is not going to say anything about the album (today) i hope im wrong im always wrong btw
  8. nonono only japan with bonus tracks more than three bc japan is a nice country and deserves it
  9. YOU FOLLOW SHIBBNBOT that's my favorite acc i love you
  10. what the hell happened with lanaboards????? i couldn't get in for hours (off topic)
  11. i agree with you, tbh i prefer it ,.,.,. i enjoyed the song a lot but i want new songs too and hell yeah it would be a slap in the face to the ppl who leaked it
  12. what if BAR/architecture/i put a whole bag of jelly beans up my ass is another unreleased track
  13. "Coven" would be a nice name for her album lol (joke)
  14. a few months ago. when was the last time you bought something you really wanted?
  15. exactly there's a private video on LDRVEVO since 2013 i think it's a explicit version of tropico or something like that
  16. i know its off-topic but i wanted to say that i love this dress she's wearing
  17. thanks babe well at least we know that she enjoys her old songs
  18. awww you're so lovely, thank u puppies and doggos are blessed creatures
  19. it would be nice to listen to the complete version of "ur girl/3 years/bee stuff whatever else" but i would prefer to see new songs tbh
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