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About GreatTimes

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  1. Question Is china american slang for heroin? Like dull silver (bad needle?) white horses (coke/smack?) , almonds (Pills) Or am i just in my feelings
  2. O come on! Wouldnt you rather be allowed to hear someone’s true opinion (even if it’s provocative or stupid or makes no sense) than something designed to not offend? If she had people help her with her letter, it should be signed with their names too right? Nothing wrong with that, why should she take the credit if everyone loves it? If you’re more interested in her pr-teams opinions, why not go to them directly? I see what you’re saying and I’m not *actually* that against PR-people, but I think not having PR-people is way cooler Edit: in a way it’s unnecessary drama, in another way I’ve actually seen pretty interesting discussions (like in this thread) and very different perspectives and maybe learned a thing or two....not saying it was worth it but you know...avoiding drama isn’t everything
  3. Running things thru some pr team would (perhaps) be better for her career. But I get the feeling she would rather be misunderstood or disagreed with than have her words edited and I think that shows integrity. And making more (albeit messy) posts trying to explain herself rather than having her managers clean it up for her is imo taking responsibility for what she’s saying
  4. A debut pop album having such an impact!! Her mind. A relatively unknown woman writing songs about her life and fantasies awakening so much emotion and obsession. Weird
  5. I can see where the anger is coming from. The hate she received in the beginning was truly bizarre. People investigating her past, hating her for her appearance, calling her stupid, fake blablabla. And writing thinkpieces about how morally superior they are to this weird bimbo. And this didn’t come from conservative middle age folk but from cool indie kids. They really hated her and wanted her destroyed before she even got started Maybe this is common with new artists and I don’t notice because I only stan Lana, but i can’t think of a similar case The comparison to the other women made little sense, but her not being able to take “constructive criticism” (dislike that phrase, she is not our naughty student) might be because she gets frustrated when people think she’s had it easy
  6. Oh I wasn’t! But I’ve seen people worrying about her having an actual relapse, and I don’t agree with that
  7. Emotional but sober and just fine Shame on those who said she must be on crack or having a mental breakdown, simply cause she did something we didn’t like
  8. Reasonable response imo. What a rude question Maybe its a cultural thing (im not American) but if someone that wasn’t very close to me spoke to me like that I would be like ???? And then...posting about it...welp
  9. No she doesn’t You don’t have to do everything twitter tells you right?I gathered from her posts she’s fine with people not agreeing with her. Love that for her actually
  10. Now the courtroom is quiet, but who will confess Is it true you betrayed us? The answer is Yes Then read me the list of the crimes that are mine I will ask for the mercy that you love to decline And all the ladies go moist, and the judge has no choice A singer must die for the lie in his voice And I thank you, I thank you for doing your duty You keepers of truth, you guardians of beauty Your vision is right, my vision is wrong I'm sorry for smudging the air with my song La, la, la... Hope she covers this on white hot forever ;p
  11. I dont think she’s having a meltdown, she seems just fine to me? Annoyed for sure, but i bet she feels that alot (in her womb space and brain place) If this is a crisis everyday is a crisis for me! Anyway i think her post was a little stupid but nothing crazy
  12. Same :’( Fucc it i beg yah I will risk it all mod note: user was warned for this post
  13. Hey friends, are there new snippets around? Where do they live
  14. She looks amazing! Only thing missing for me are the long nails and long hair. People complaining about her face are rude and wrong and should be ashamed of themselves.
  15. Bel Air You and me Get drunk For k part 2 Disco My momma Wayamaya!!
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