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Terrence Loves Me

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Everything posted by Terrence Loves Me

  1. Such a hypnotic song, really makes me yearn for her original vision
  2. So many people just want to be mad and offended and upset by everything. Does it give your life more of a purpose? Are you that unhappy? Please go find a hobby, or a therapist..
  3. Wait i thought all the dresses you had were Lana's? didn't you buy them at one of her pop up stores during the LFL era or am i imagining this? lol Either way props for managing to find identicle ones, they always look so good!
  4. streets are saying she's dropping a single on valentines day are we moving?
  5. Because it's marina and the diamonds
  6. This is incredible, she's back!!
  7. No one was being mean though, just making an observation. I don't think that calls for a warning point, it's only an insult if you decide it is
  8. Is she threatening new music?
  9. clearly none of ya'll read flowers in the attic
  10. So we're not aloud to say she was plus size? She literally was
  11. Who cares if she supports incest, kim people are dying
  12. oh my god go outside PLEASE
  13. I hate this obnoxious trilogy “closing the chapter for the weeknd” stuff like is it really that deep? Who cares about your name just make good music, it’s not a damn movie 😭
  14. Disgusting, she has the same crazy fanbase as lana and charli, i hope she can get over this cus unfortunately its going to be something she'll have to learn to live with, maybe she should get an assistant or a manager or something so she doesnt have to receive those kind of dms personally
  15. to be honest all of the songs that she doesn't want people to hear are not good anyway so they wont be shared around that much, imagine if she asked us not to listen to waco texas and dust bowl lmao, not gonna happen ma'am! she doesnt need to worry too much about them old songs though
  16. Die with a smile is an awful song, why she included that mess is beyond me.
  17. so do we think we'll get the b sides this year too
  18. Here's my ranking after a few listens 1. Eusexua - masterpiece! dark club song , goes off 10/10 2. Perfect Stranger - great pop song 10/10 3. Girl Feels Good - iconic ray of light realness 10/10 4. Striptease - sultry and sensual 9/10 5. 24hr Dog - nice song 8/10 6. Sticky - alright 7/10 7. Wanderlust - alright 7/10 8. Drums of Death - ehh its alright, dont get the hype, needed a music video to carry it 6/10 9. Keep it, hold it - cant even remember this one 6/10 10. Childlike Things - annoying 5/10 11. Room of Fools - demo ass song 3/10
  19. Childlike things and Room of fools oh the flops that you are
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