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Terrence Loves Me

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Everything posted by Terrence Loves Me

  1. I want lana to do a punk rock album with her screaming vocals like in Tired of singing the blues cus she actually really suits it
  2. do you not like lana or something? why so negative? i honestly couldn't care less about album sales. And i don't think even Lana herself cares about that either. It's about quality not quantity. She's a smart girl who's passionate about music and creating real art. Not many singers are like this anymore. So album sales probably don't faze her
  3. Lucky Ones?! omg that's the cutest song ever, the instrumental at the end is what i live for. It was one of the first Lana songs that i fell in love with Ride is a good song but i sometimes feel like it falls a little flat on the chorus. Like i mostly listen to that song because of the pretty verse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGbp6n3KgOQ omg
  4. my favorite part of that song is when she says at the end "you are my one true love" then that big haunting instrumental kicks in GOOSEBUMPS
  5. I really want her to do an album full of those really sad, bittersweet songs. You know, like Damn You, Never Let Me Go, Afraid, Hollywoods Dead, TV in black and white, On Our Way, etc. The kind of songs that just sound so naturally vintage and sweet. I hope the new album is something along those lines. I like how in those songs she dwelled on the past, and was sad that it was over, but at the same time she was happy because at least it happened. Idk, it's just really cute and sad. making me emotional just thinking about it
  6. I wonder if Lana is reading this thread and thinking, "It's coming you little bitches"
  7. if this thread gets locked what am i supposed to do with my life? go outside? ew. this <3
  8. ikr! aparantly i'm seeing something completely different to what other people are seeing because i think it's gorgeous
  9. Can people stop dissing the Honeymoon cover. You don't have to be super close to the camera for it to work and look good. So many artists do those kind of shots. There are other ways and other creative ideas that can be done for a cover. And i think she really pulled it off with HM. Plus, i'd love for her to do something really simple with this cover like she did with UV. Something that looks spontanious and caught off guard. And with the wind blowing and the view of the ocean behind her. It would be truly beautiful
  10. I have very high hopes for the upcoming song and album. I was impressed with all of her albums when i heard them, and honestly i've never known another artist i've liked where i've literally loved EVERY SINGLE SONG of theirs. Honestly like even all her unreleased music is top notch. Lana at her most basic is like most radio and mainstream shit at it's best. So yeah, i'm not worried about anything. I love it already. And i'm soooooooooooooooooo excited ahhhhh
  11. Just my opinion, it was unique and something new. Also had a beautiful colour combination
  12. Born To Die: Partied my way up to the top Paradise: Sinned my way up to the top Ultraviolence: F**cked my way up to the top Honeymoon: Cried my way up to the top LDR5: Leaked my way up to the top
  13. Am i the only one that really hopes Lana never collabs with anyone? Like, seriously she doesn't need some other basic bitch singing with her. She does just fine on her own. I only wanna hear her, nobody else. Well at least no collabs on her albums. She can still collab if she wants but i don't want it inteferring on her gorgeous records.
  14. They should've asked her to start singing YAIL and then secretly recorded it so youtubers can remix it like cherry blossom it woulld be a BOPPPPPPPP
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