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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. when she knew that it’s me (I’ve DMd her before showing her my outfit cuz I’m the one who runs @lanadelreyarabs on twitter She was running and she said “oh my god” and then touched my check & took a selfie with me & took the book of the letters of her Arab fans who couldn’t make it to the concert then she hugged me Guys i will never forget that night She was so happy and surprised & over 25.000 ppl were there singing and happy I’m pretty sure she wasn’t sure that she has so many arab fans who really love her I will never forget that night I also passed out three times cuz i was camping there and at the 3rd time the security took me to take a break then i was crying he promised me to take me to the first row again when I recover And he did it when i felt better! He took me again to the same spot, wish him nothing but the best I’m so grateful guys, the look in lana’s eyes was everything, everything I was camping there and i heard her soudchecking it & White Mustang & Ultraviolence
  2. It’s still weird cuz she’s been trying to get to the middle east since forever https://twitter.com/lanadelreyarabs/status/911373846737022976?s=21 Anyway i think she hasn’t arrived yet, one of my friends saw her whole team yesterday but lana wasn’t there And ugh, it’s today! I still can’t believe I’m going to abu dhabi now and gunna see her Life worth liviing guys
  3. Lana in abh dhabi now! (Her dancer’s story) https://twitter.com/lanadelreyarabs/status/1199882346289418240?s=21 My dream has came true, I’m so emotional rn
  4. people who think saying arabs are terrorists and laughing about these types of jokes are so fucking racist and ignorants the fact the UAE is safe more than europe and USA will never make sense to people who are disgusting like you, cuz you're full of stupid ideas about arabs you will never live with peace with such a disgusting mind the funny thing is you think arabs aren't safe and at the same time you're wishing death for someone who did nothing to you but following his own star.. such a disgusting creature
  5. yes, it is .. and i'm freaking out cuz only one week left yeah, she tried to perform in Israel two times but it got cancelled
  6. just wanna see her happy and it's so rare to see her glowing like this with a man, it's so hard to get positive vibes when it comes to her men finally got some lol
  7. omfg ur a libra no wonder why ur one of my fav members here happy birthday!
  8. i don't get it why they're screaming? aren't you there to listen? but i remember when she was pissed when the fans didn't sing with her, it was around 2016-2017
  9. meaningless = has nothing to do with her comment/ booming shit but apparently u didn't get what i mean bc you have so much in ur mind about arabs lol
  10. they simply said it's not safe because of the bombings and then you replied with something has nothing to do with the shootings to support her point? meaningless
  11. thank you we can easily mention how many shooting shits happened in UK/ US concerts did you all forget the Ariana one? and the singer who's been shot years ago? of course u did cuz you know everywhere is safe but Arab countries no lol ( and literally nothing band happened in Saudi Arabia / UAE concerts.. singers are safe and they had so much fun) yes, sharia law is shit.. but assuming that it's gunna be bombed it means one thing: you're a racist shit and think all muslims/arabs are terrorists I'm agnostic btw and i give no shit about religions, but our countries (gulf) is SAFE, don't mention the shitty laws cuz we didn't talk about it, we've been talking about saying it's not SAFE and FYI being treated bad can happen in any place, hence why so many women from hollywood have been complained ugh you're the sweetest! I will make sure to take good pics if I didn't lose my mind haha, mostly I will try to avoid my phone but I will make sure to make some pics to remember I literally can't wait
  12. thank you so much im so happy that someone noticed that haha i actually still can't believe until this moment, feels like a dream to me _____ to some of you: ASSUMING ONE OF THE SAFEST PLACES THAT WOULD BE DANGEROUS JUST BECAUSE IT IS A MUSLIM/ ARAB COUNTRY IS RACIST because in fact, US is more dangerous but you know you wouldn't assume that cuz it's not a muslim/ arab country lol thank you!
  13. it's totally fine i saw many fans saying that so that's why i wrote my comment actually the highest ticket is so cheap compared to the UAE/ SAR (if you want to attend lana only, you only pay $80 for the golden one) so i don't think they paid her that extra compared to her regular $$$
  14. ur so fucking rude and ignorant so sad that you can't even use ur mind or google to check what is UAE saying shit about muslims/ arabs is so fucking racist, you really need to educate urself.. most of westeren ppl are living there u dummy no she doesn't, she just wants to talk shit so she thinks she's funny it's so fucking sad how some ppl really think arabs can't have the right to see their idols, selfish and stupid
  15. i bought my first lana del rey ticket, dreams can come true i literally cried my heart out when i checked out, i never thought i'd be able to do this one day.. been a fan for 7 years now i'm so happy guys, and fyi.. it's a regular concert, not a private one and anyone can attend it (and it's actually cheap, total was around $450 for the golden circle) it's the exact place that coldplay performed this year here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IABUl0K6kAc and no not only because rich ppl gave her some money, lana is popular here, arabs got insane that she's coming and they deserve to see their idol singing in front of them you can easily see that on her LDR Arabia account that she's following years ago https://twitter.com/LanaDelReyArabs?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
  16. she used to look so old in 2015 but now she looks way younger!!! what the hell are you talking about
  17. lana is coming to the middle east!! my dream has finally came true https://twitter.com/LanaDelReyArabs/status/1179100253703872512
  18. i couldn't get it so i got a bad ass headache damn i cant focus on my work now she called her previous tour "LA to the moon and back" and she didn't sing heroine which inspired the tour name classic lana
  19. hey guys just to make things clear this isn't ARABIC I'm Arab, and this is persian language not arabic, I don't even know what it says
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