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Everything posted by whitelungswhitepalms

  1. Forget that lefty shit your dad drilled in your mind - daddy Jeremy to Lana let’s be honest, her taste in men hasn’t been great. For him to turn out to be an asshole…I mean at least the music will be fire. god I wish she was still with Donaghue
  2. BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHA Lana has always been weird with dates, she will release when she releases. if you honestly believe Lana only releases music cause she’s on contract to do so….i think you need to reflect. Lana has and is always kind to her fans, if she asks to not post a selfie, then don’t. if she asks to wait a couple days to post, wait. The only thing is if there was a miscommunication between both parties, then okay but she still has a right to be ticked off. This will blow over, since there’s no going back. but these kind of reactions give me codependency on someone you don’t even know. touch grass everyone
  3. God I need her albums on vinyl……
  4. Where are yall listening to the bonus tracks??
  5. Four songs in and in fucking crying it’s so good. POP music sounds so good when it’s made by a legend who knows how to make pop. i love GAGA so much.
  6. I don’t have twitter what are people sayinngggg (only the positive please) im so excited for this album now
  7. I don’t really know why Henry had to go But I have to trust that only God can know if I pray maybe I’ll find out what’s true Lana sing to us baby
  8. I need a reworked fine China moment but it’s happy this time At least with the dryness of this era, I have been able to discover music that I love. but Lana come the fuck onnnnnnnn
  9. It’s a movie poster my luv shes releasing a short movie of the bayou and her wedding in the swamp. Editing has been taking forever which is why there’s a delay for the release of Henry.
  10. I need the songs to be grittier than the two songs we have so far already ordered the vinyl cant wait for the tour
  11. Not Toronto selling out, the venue only holds 2500 people and I was 3000th in line. FUCK
  12. Other than the title track, the songs haven’t done much for me. prayin the rest of the album connects with me an as an ensemble it finally clicks exciteddddd
  13. I’ve gotten so tired of my music that I’m listening to classical pieces now. lana come onnnnnn
  14. I hate that song so much I really hope the album doesn’t sound like that at all
  15. I’m still in shock about the hate the boards had for Sweet when the album came out i still think it’s one of her most important and beautiful love songs. the lyrics and vocal performance are so thought out and impactful. still my fav (with let the light in) from this album.
  16. I mean, Henry, come on Do you think I'd really choose it? All this off and on Henry, come on I mean, baby, come on Do you think I'd really lose it on ya? If you did nothing wrong Henry, come on I NEEEEEEEEDDDDS ITTTTTTT
  17. I think she really should stop with the dancers and the back up singers. her energy is just so infectious when she’s there singing alone (both times I’ve seen her it was her alone, maybe the second time she was with the two og dancers) but she really doesn’t need it. plus a more exciting set list makes everything better. to be in a hug crowd of fans and stand singing her hits and songs that have connected multiple generations is amazing
  18. Wow she sold out every single day….i remember when she couldn’t sell out arenas during the la to the moon tour…her lasting impact on the culture is crazy
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