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Everything posted by Belladonna

  1. Please share. https://twitter.com/snowsnjh/status/867136667337060352
  2. I'm ready for disappointment on Friday, and the only person I can blame is myself for getting excited.
  3. Insiders are just a bunch of attention seeking rats. Pay no attention.
  4. That's understable. I was just shocked to see it gone. She's on Stella story right now. She looks so cute.
  5. Belladonna

    Song vs. Song

    Angels Forever vs. Fine China
  6. Please share If you can. https://www.gofundme.com/fundforgina She passed away last night during the attack.
  7. Ruby Tuesdays french fries
  8. It's really fortunate to see fandoms on Twitter coming together in the midst of a tragedy despite their differences including people opening their homes to families. One of my friends was at her show in Dublin three nights ago, and he was so excited about the show. I've never seen him talk about something and be so excited. I don't want to imagine If I had lost him. My heart feels heavy today.
  9. People can be so cruel. https://twitter.com/David_Leavitt/status/866790014717497345
  10. Not fake https://www.instagram.com/p/BUITGE2B9Jn/
  11. The fans are giving it to him on his post. Damn. I understand you're frustrated, but some of you go from "I'd suck his dick" to "I hate him I'm killing myself".
  12. Stay calm. I don't believe him for a second.
  13. I'm not trying to be THAT person, but tonight is the last witch date. Also https://www.instagram.com/p/BUaXoo6jYvk/
  14. The video reminds me a lot like a movie that a recently watched called The Sweet Life. You can read about the movie here. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt4838534/
  15. It makes sense. She looks like a ghost in the trailer.
  16. This has to be one of her best. It's simple. There's not too much going on, and I like that a lot. I hope she posts the rest of the photoshoot soon. I'm eager to see that one microphone picture.
  17. I'm not trying to act a certain way, but I would like to be surprised a little bit. I didn't mean to come off badly If I did. I just asked politely. If you would have said no I would have been fine with it too. I just didn't see anything wrong with asking you.
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