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Everything posted by WildMustang

  1. Oh Gosh I want the album to be so good
  2. I played Coachella on the guitar and it would have worked perfectly as an acoustic/country song.. It's very nice actually
  3. WildMustang

    Miley Cyrus

    I think it's a cute and sweet song but I really find it boring cause it doesn't have a breakthrough on the refrain and sounds the same as the verse
  4. I am very worried about the album but I trust her cause I love her work.. Also Justin Parker is a masterpiece maker like really
  5. love is one of her best..It's so simple but the message is pure and it's an anthem of optimism
  6. g.p seem to get over lady gaga (I've never been a fan so I don't know why) I hope this isn't lana's time
  7. I am very liking this song and it would be heavenly with another production like I Can Fly
  8. Maybe LDR6 cause she just me him...I guess that this album will be influenced by Jonathan Wilson cause they hanged out together a lot when she was working on it
  9. I am wondering why she didn't sing it a little higher..it's super low and sounds breathy and I think it couldn't work fine live
  10. She's been working to this album since early 2016 or even late 2015 and gave us a song shw wrote one month ago ..I just hope she didn't scrap songs she wrote all over 2016
  11. I am not surprised when I hate a lana song at first cause I hate the whole lana del rey at first
  12. It's a very spring-y song and it has a good vibe actually. ..It's definitely not my favorite but I enjoy it
  13. what I hate the most about this era is that lana never had the chance to present us something we always find out and then she makes an announcement
  14. I thought that too...Her voice is bored but I guess it's because she sings super low all the time in this album
  15. I'm not sure if an artist can always understand when the music he makes is good or not...especially if there's a special connection between him/her and the song
  16. It reminds me of queen of disaster for some reason
  17. She is working on this album till early 2016 or even late 2015 and she is giving us a song she wrote like a month ago
  18. I think an acoustic version of it without the beat would be better..It has nice melody tho
  19. If only she could sing not that low and like she's whispering. .it would be much better
  20. I am obsessed with Love,Never Let Me Go and On our Way
  21. I listen to it everyday..it's a beautiful piece of art
  22. I don't if it's unpopular but May Jailer makes clear how pure is lana/lizzy as a person and I totally love it
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