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Everything posted by Hanna

  1. someone make a gif of her walking away from the crowd putting the flags on herself
  2. aw that thing where she held hands with her dancers was adorable omg
  3. "why dancers open their mouth if they dont sing" lol same
  4. "best thing about her are her nose and boots" lock the comments @Socialistico
  5. im gonna need counselling by the time shes on stage @this dj
  6. this thread gives me anxiety
  7. i love hearing the off to the races instrumental performed live!
  8. Hanna

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    oh oops okay sorry for the confusion
  9. Hanna

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    idk if this version is new or not i looked online and could only find one sorry if im just a dumb bitch http://picosong.com/wkzAu/
  10. Hanna

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    not done uploading but heres the folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UOrKUIF_rzujgBg2PjIYZQu7kvp_jglG check it in an hour and itll for sure be done
  11. Hanna

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    k this is gonna take a while these files are fuckin huge
  12. Hanna

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    ill post a google drive link in a few minutes if nobody beats me to it
  13. um edit: oops this is directed at the person that originally said she was overdramatic omg sorry for being a bitch to the wrong person
  14. black shirt and leather skirt again kayyyyyyyyy cool
  15. ed sheeran literally blows ass and liking him hasnt been excusable since 2014 but whatever!
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