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Everything posted by Hanna

  1. the people in the comments of that periscope are gonna give me a stroke omg
  2. did i really just hear some chick scream im bald
  3. "you know i havent sang that song in so long" uhhh
  4. Hanna

    Do You Agree?

    yes do u agree that summer is the best season
  5. i would killll for that next liberation dress omg someones gonna be so damn lucky
  6. banned 4 having one of my fav usernames
  7. 10 original and artistic <3
  8. Hanna

    Taylor Swift

    dress is my fav
  9. I spoke with Garland Rose and they said they're 100% not leaking any of the instrumentals
  10. my friend saw her at a store in LA and facetimed me and i got to say hi to her
  11. k so i ordered something and received a refund but i didnt request one? i emailed customer service but aint no reply yet
  12. i just ordered the windbreaker in a large cuz im a tall bitch and if its too big for me to get away with wearing ill sell it to you/give it away if i like you
  13. It really isn't anyone's business but for the sake of getting the facts straight she said "no comment" to the Pitchfork question about drinking, "no comment" when a fan asked her if she's ever done heroin at the first listening party, and when asked about the cocaine necklace she said she's never done cocaine (to the best of my memory)
  14. I saw "Interview" and "German" in the same title and had a small stroke but that was followed by disappointment
  15. love u lana but who did u dirty with that look
  16. I was thinking this last week but kinda dismissed it as me misinterpreting it? It's an interesting theory tho
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