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Everything posted by Hanna

  1. happiness is a butterfly being listened to in that quality is an absolute crime
  2. Hanna

    The Greatest

    i swear she is saying life's dream and not livestream but that makes absolutely no sense
  3. Hanna

    Fuck It, I Love You

    everywhere you go you take yourself its not a lie ?
  4. do we know where that snippet came from before the video hosting site?
  5. regardless of whether it’s 2 or 3 days someone will upload it somewhere within an hour of it being released in new zealand
  6. season of the witch cover will release in nz in an hour and 40 minutes if they are doing midnight in every country
  7. Hanna

    The Greatest

    i don’t think she would ever say “the culture was lit” without it being satirical or having some sort of double meaning
  8. the snippets got taken off of the french site qobuz i think https://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/album/norman-fucking-rockwell-lana-del-rey/ez7vd1zsfwqxc cuz this link is dead
  9. dont leave i just need a wake up call... impale me
  10. i didnt look if someone has posted an mp3 of the looking for america instagram thing or not but https://vocaroo.com/i/s1oTV9BR8qUk
  11. do you think this is a different forum
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