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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. There's only 2 days left in July so TECHNICALLY were already in August, which brings us closer to the pre-order. It's happening this Friday, I'm calling it!
  2. Plot twist: the album cover is the doin time cover
  3. Not to mention the UV vinyls are extremely beautiful with the printed purple hydrangeas on them. I never seen anything like it tbh. UV is the only boxset I have, and it was worth every penny.
  4. Hmm I'm not sure about this site's legitimacy...but at this point I think were all settled on the August 30th date
  5. It doesn't. People here just like to say we are because to them, they think we don't want Lana to swear because she's a 'wOMaN', when in actuality most of us don't have a problem with swear words but rather just the way they're implemented in the songs.
  6. I hope we get the Apple music snippets early like we did with LFL. Although if my memory serves me correctly, those snippets leaked a day before the release...? Let's hope we get it much much earlier.
  7. I might contact HMV for the 3rd time but I gotta space it out from the last time I e-mailed them. Would mid August be a good time? Assuming Lana still doesn't give us an exact release date obv
  8. The thing is, when Lana swore in her songs in the past, it seemed fitting and didn't seem too try hard and edgy. But that's what it felt like with Cherry, it's just so out of place. I don't think anyone really gives a shit about her swearing, but she could at least make it seem natural instead of forced.
  9. @@Terrence Loves Me bitch u hear this??
  10. Looks like something a teenage white girl would post on her VSCO account
  11. I'd rather Lana cover Red Hot Chilli Peppers, so it goes with the whole 'cali/surf/psychedelic' theme. I don't see a Cat Power song to be fitting of that theme so I hope The Greatest isn't a cover for that very reason.
  12. I don't mind the font, now that I've gotten used to it. In a way it reminds me of Lizzy Grant beachy surf noir vibes, like it's the kinda font she'd use way back in the day if that makes sense. Very retro, bold, colourful, playful etc.
  13. Okay so I've had some time to think about the overall aesthetic for this album based on what we have involving the new pics Lana posted PLUS the logo, here's my take: It's possible it could be a 50's retro theme involving bright colours like pink, blue, lime green, grey-black etc. Here we see some similarities between a retro pic of a beach body competition from the 1950's, to the pic with Lana that she seems to be re-creating for a music video: And then we have the logo which seems to share similarities with old school comic books (which were popular also in the 1950's) Her music videos seem to have a clear indication on the aesthetic of the album as a whole. And yeah I know MAC and VB don't share the whole 50's vibe but clearly those videos were made on a whim with no extra thought or clear detail.
  14. ew idk this seems to be all over the place if that's the car she's using for the alboom cover
  15. Same, but Lana doesn't really know how to describe things accurately. Like making most of the songs on NFR piano driven then saying the album is psychedelic in a radio interview. You never know with Lana.
  16. omg this is what her new pics reminded me of, the Lachapelle shoot she did!
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