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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. I'm calling bs. Most high profile magazines let curvy/plus size women in their editorials, I doubt they'd turn down someone like Lana
  2. Neil's work with Lana hasn't been good since Honeymoon and I think people don't want to admit it because we've built him up to be THE best Lana photographer in her career but it's just not good anymore I'm afraid
  3. The insiders are throwing us a red herring so we'll be truly surprised when it drops
  4. Last night I was thinking about how Roses Bloom For You is probably Violets For Roses. In my heart and soul, it makes perfect sense.
  5. Interesting post. I still don't know how this person can say with such certainty that Lana is going to change her look though. Also I know this is a touchy subject, but I do feel as if the weight gain could be from being off alcohol. The same thing happened to Gerard Way. When he was drinking, he was skinny, and when he wasn't drinking, he gained. Often times when you give up one addiction, you take on another addiction (food for example) to fill that void. That's just how it goes I guess. But I hope Lana gets help, and I don't think she's the type of person who is ashamed to ask for it. Of course this is just speculation and shouldn't be taken as facts so keep that in mind!
  6. You know this event ain't shit when no one has showed up in Jackie Kennedy's pink 60's Chanel suit
  7. The way Lizzy Grant circa 2008 would have showed up in a Marilyn Monroe wig with her tiger striped nails and diamond tiara
  8. Celebrities are so annoying. If I were in charge then I'd send them straight home
  9. No words This is the only person who seems to be following the American theme. Soft camp mixed with a vintage vibe without being overly pretentious and out of theme
  10. What was the theme even supposed to be? Everyone is going for a different thing, I'm so confused lmao
  11. Grimes slayed all of them. I may be saying this because I have a slight obsession with swords, but everyone else looks plain (except for horse girl)
  12. Not Harry Styles next to Kendall Jenner
  13. This is amazing to watch. It also makes me think about how Lana was the pioneer of the 8mm app. Trailblazing queen
  14. It's not like Lana is completely sworn off Instagram, her finsta account is alive and breathing. I'm pretty sure it gained more posts on the day she deactivated (not 100% sure so don't hold me to it). I think one of the things Lana has struggled with from her public Instagram is feeling the need to say something political like all the other celebs, and if she doesn't then people are like "why hasn't she said anything about [........]"? Instagram isn't for posting cute pics anymore unfortunately, and everyone expects you to write fake woke essays that pertain to the next trendy news story that's floating around. I can see how this factor could deter Lana from using her public acc. At least with her finsta, no one is watching her like a hawk ready to pounce.
  15. We've known each other for 4 years, I think the answer is obvious
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