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Daisy Hearted

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Everything posted by Daisy Hearted

  1. I think darker hair makes her look older, but she looks more youthful (is that a word? idk) with lighter hair. The light reddish/brown suits her so well!
  2. Yes, definitely agree! The whole random screaming men every couple of seconds can get very irritating at a point, although I love the album, but UV & Paradise are my favs
  3. * In the Land of Gods and Monsters, I was a witch, steady putting hexes on people *
  4. Yes. Here's a link http://pitchfork.com/news/71868-yes-lana-del-rey-is-promoting-an-anti-trump-witchcraft-ritual/
  5. Didn't her single drop because of this? Was that really true?
  6. Um didn't Azeila sacrifice some chickens. In her closet or something?
  7. Imma be so mad if it hits midnight and literally nothing happens.
  8. So, I do kind of like Marina, but it is somewhat true.
  9. Hmm, I'm very curious about how that would turn out!
  10. Something about this feels really fresh, I just can't put my hand on it though! But I am really loving this adfkfnrhgvngbvsbglbSipjg/s
  11. I dunno, it says unavailable and I can't even listen to the song., same with the itunes version.
  12. Just take time to imagine the music video. It would have been so amazing *cries*
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