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Daisy Hearted

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Everything posted by Daisy Hearted

  1. I don't even know what to say because I'm so happyyyy *dies*
  2. Amen, especially on point number one. I used to like Blue Jeans and National Anthem, but then I recently listened to it again and I found it to be...cringe!
  3. I am kinda sad about the fact that I didn't get to hear the snippet. *I am always so late*
  4. I definitely agree, it's probably one of my favorite tracks off of Honeymoon.
  5. AKA: Yellow and Blue BTD: Gold and Red Paradise: Gold, Neon pink UV: Purple HM: Pink, Red and Gold
  6. When you gotta write a paper for English class and you decide to anaylze a damn Lana Del Rey song
  7. God I would love for that to happen again Yes, preach it! Also, I might add that there is something we all need to keep in mind. We're not even supposed to know about half of the stuff we know right now, and because of this, It's nine times outta ten not gonna be coming anytime soon.
  8. If we gotta wait that long it better be AMAZING. But if it turns out to be really good, hey, worth the wait?
  9. I love that picture, so beautiful!
  10. I know it's lame, but I wouldn't mind a cover with this sort of design. Only if her album was a trippy album <3 I actually like the way that looks! Really neat <3
  11. ​BORN TO DIE ​1. Don't Fail Me Now 2. City Streets 3. Alone on a Friday Night 4.Love is Not Enough 6. The Road is Long 7. Your Last Words 8. Born To Die
  12. This is probably one of my favorite pictures of Lana, and I used it for this "album cover"
  13. Dear Lord, Please persuade Lana into officially releasing Resistance to the public. Amen.
  14. I think I prefer her material before BTD because I had actually listened to that before I even got around to listening to BTD. That was mainly due to the fact that those songs kept popping up in my suggestions.
  15. Is it odd that I have a preference for her unreleased material more than her released material ?
  16. Lol I remember when my sister tried to convince me that Lana was in the illuminati because she saw the Tropico and how much I wanted to smack her in the face.
  17. To be honest I did like the record for the most part, save for a few songs, but the era itself was not as fun and interesting as the BTD era and UV era
  18. I really REALLY want to hear Lana cover a Britney Spears song. Just so I can die happily.
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