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Everything posted by 111

  1. Just because I forgot to put "imo" at the end doesn't mean I think they are facts. We obviously have different taste in instruments and that's okay. I think you have a slight case of 'thinking you know something when you actually don't', with all my respect sweetheart. In reality, you don't know what went in our conversations, what she asked of me, what I promised her, how I felt when she kindly asked me to not leak anything and how I got access to the stuff. Lana is aware of everything going on and if she had any problems she would have stopped talking to me, which she didn't considering we just chatted about the video 2 days ago. Looking at your signature, it's obvious that you would live off on drama but please, for the sake of your mental health as well, stop this silly game and move on with your life. Otherwise, I will start thinking that there are some... Envious reasons behind your actions. Okay? Sending lots of love to you.
  2. 111


    Publishing sites are my gig and I've only ever seen one song from this girl which was quickly uploaded to Soundcloud - "Break My Heart". Rest of her songs must have came from some illegal games.
  3. 111

    Dua Lipa

    Why did she release a Mariah Carey reject from early 2000s. This girl can do so much better. Shame.
  4. I've done some things that I shouldn't have done during my active times here and I apologize for that. People often mistook my carefree approach and banter for being arrogant and asshole-ish, which doesn't cover up the fact that yes I have been actually arrogant and an asshole to many people on multiple occasions. People treated me like I was some sort of god because that's what they do when leaks are provided, that's not something exclusive to me. But it was all in the heat of the moment when I wrongly encouraged that behaviour sometimes. I shouldn't have. But mistakes have been learnt on my side and I have moved on to take care of things that actually matter in my life after the summer ended. So the question is, why can't you? (I am talking about 2 people especially, but there are more here and there so you listen up as well.) You should move on with your life. The fact that you are still going on and on about me, the fact that half of your posts are about me, that you are actively trying to turn people against me, plotting secret revenge plans in hopes of exposing me... It's not healthy. It's obsessive. You can do so much more with your life than getting a hard-on from creating and participating in messed up drama shows like this.
  5. I never: - Said what YAIL stands for. - Said YAIL is the album title. - Said any lengths. - Gave any screenshots. A lot of 'insiders' on ATRL and here post false info on purpose to troll people and in turn get a reaction out of me which they hope includes some tea spillage. It usually goes like this: Troll: Album title is X. Lead single is in Y length. (patiently waiting for Eclipse to come, drag me and spill the actual title and length) They don't realize that some fans on Instagram, most importantly news accounts believe this crap and go on to release the false info as legit. Creates drama. Confusion. It's sad. They ought to get a new hobby, honestly. So if it wasn't clear enough; no legit info was spilled. Don't believe what you hear unless it definitely came from me.
  6. The problem is not the slowness of the songs. It's sometimes the production, sometimes the editing/mixing and sometimes the lyrics. Rarely the bpm. Even though Terrence Loves You is slow, she managed to make it enjoyable by avoiding a repetitive chorus. Can you imagine if it was like "Terrence loves you, ooh" over and over again? Unbearable. A few edits would have made the song Honeymoon 5/5, it has great potential that I'm so sad it was wasted. If she cut the choruses into one repeat per line (Our honeymoon, say you want me too, dark blue) and if the studio version had some exciting production with guitars like the BBC live performance (I love you Blake), it'd easily be one of her best. Shame.
  7. She wants everything to be ready once things start rolling. She's not the type of artist to pick singles and make videos as she goes along so believe me, she's planning everything right now. Dates are picked, multiple videos have been shot, singles are picked. The video for the lead single is quite high budget (yes it's featuring skating, long haired guitarist and pianist, lots of young adults - cute twinks too!) and she wants to add more special effects (though it's already amazing in my opinion, I don't want to spoil it at all). So be patient and allow her to do her thing. You know far more than any other fanbase would know before a new era begins.
  8. YAIL is not 6 minute long guys, I don't know where that false info came from.
  9. Not here for drama or anything, I'll keep my visit short. Read at your own caution. Seriously. I am serious. My opinions might spoil your experience. Go away. Oh and if you think I'm lying after all this time, good luck trying to snatch that twitter, instagram, tumblr urls for the album title after it's announced. Yours truly
  10. 111

    The Weeknd

    Np anytime m8. Have a good weekend!
  11. 111

    The Weeknd

    And good cause it's trash
  12. 111

    The Weeknd

    Looks like Motionless didn't make the album.
  13. ... Anyway In the meantime, queen and I have spoken more. She didn't tell me if the videos she shot during summer and recently were for the lead single but she spilled some more. We are on good terms and I did my best to assure her that I'm the only with those songs. I can confirm she's in a good place right now - she seems happy and excited. I'll give her some time before contacting again for a lil Q&A. Btw, you guys aren't exactly helping when you keep tweeting YAIL and SR at her. Even I didn't tag her when I tweeted those months ago. You keep making her worried. And, I don't think the album is called Subversive. Otherwise she would have told me, I believe. But we will see.
  14. Also I forgot to mention this because some of you got on my nerves last night when I was peaceful She did in fact worked with Emile Huntie and she seems to love the song they did together (she told me which one but I obviously can't spill that much) Bye for now gays and rats
  15. You also look at my last post to see that what you said is wrong. "Narcissism and entitlement" it's called not giving a fuck because when I actually cared and tried to be nice here, I was treated like shit. Some shitty people here used my niceness against me and attacked me. If you want me to be all rainbows and peace, it's never happening. So no, it's not "for the sake of it".
  16. You don't even know how I talked to her. She said she will even consider doing a little Q&A with me about her music. She wouldn't have talked to me for hours and shared info about her upcoming album if I wasn't nice to her. Honestly I'll just ask her my questions about her old work and keep the answers to myself, maybe share it with a few people. This forum deserves nothing.
  17. 1-) I already explained that only two Lana related files were on the Neros website and they weren't unleaked. They were just HQ versions of stuff that were already leaked years ago. These terms aren't accurate: "Neros group" "music label manager" "active database" "multiple demos finals and snippet by Lana" Rick left his website open for a few months and many people got the Black Beauty batch and they leaked quickly... and songs from a website like you are claiming to have existed WOULDN'T leak all this time? I wouldn't leave any clues like that for everyone to trace it back. This is not some big discovery to take credit for, you just googled some file names. You so badly want to bring me down. It's not happening. The fact that you don't even know I'm not the leaker of the TIMWUG demo but you are still claiming I leaked "2 songs" from the "Neros database"... "Neros database" was just Peter Ibsen's website and the rest of the "20 songs" there were just his other productions for other artists. How would Peter Ibsen produce 20 songs with Lana? It's not realistic. I just saw the 2 Lana files (SERIAL KILLER HQ AND TIMWUG DEMO HQ) and downloaded them before they realized they left the directories open to the public. You are misunderstanding the facts and therefore stating/making up things that aren't true and acting like you know what really happened. "NEROS DATABASE" is not a thing. 2-) I am a minor myself and I can have any sexual relationship with any minor and that's none of your business. And I never gave any .21 seconds snippets for nudes. Receipts? 3-) I've been a fan since 2011. I have all of her albums + CD singles. She's my most listened artist on last.fm. People from here know me before I got any unleaked (one example @@wraith) and how much I love Lana. 4-) Never happened. Receipts? 5-) Yeah because I never lied and I won't. I piss people off with my own ways, but I would never spread false info around for attention, I get my attention with real things, I don't have to make things up. 6-) If you actually paid attention, Lana only asked me to not leak her upcoming single. Which I wasn't going to and I won't. She doesn't even know anything about UV outtakes or anything. She didn't even know who I was until yesterday and now you are acting like I'm the cause of her depression. The overreacting. The exaggerating. The jealousy. The pressedness. "and is using her hard work and painful past as a failed pop singer as clout for online notoriety" Wow. Oh my god why am I arguing with someone who is spreading rumors about me to try and bring me down. Know your facts before you attempt to discredit me.
  18. Y'all fucking crazy High on some shit I have a fucking boyfriend now I don't need nudes from 14 year old boys What a peaceful life I've had for the past couple of weeks working towards getting into one of the best unis in the UK, spending time with family & friends, lost weight etc. Stress free, bullshit free Some of you should try it sometime you know, education, health, family, relationships Things that actually matter unlike this Good fucking bye
  19. It only had two HQ files of songs we already had And those were available to download for a week or something in May this year I quickly snatched them There were no unleaked shit Stop spreading around false info It's the thing I hate the most You can talk shit about me to my face but don't go around claiming you know things about me or my life or how I got my songs or what I made people do or about Lana unleaked Where's the money I got for Resistance honey I can't see the dollars where are they? Urgh 5 minutes in here and some rats already on my nerves
  20. Lol immunity? The mods are trying to get me banned I was out of this toxic plage for good until Lana decided to do this shit to me today on a school night and it's midnight I had no intentions to log in until she started to reply immediately and spill info
  21. How can some people be so stupid I don't understand Anyway I can probably share this as well but it already kills me to post stuff here that she told me in private Y'all can suck my dick if you don't believe, I got no fucks to give about this forum or fandom anymore except for a few people I just want you all to know how she feels right now though And wanted to confirm no albums in November https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/14936979_1159507557437276_1469713071_n.jpg?oh=75bb625119b5249e5b84b2c42e3f156b&oe=581CE275
  22. I only got the HQ Serial Killer and TIMWUG demo files from the neros website lol Besides those two which are irrelevant, I only got Roses online Nothing else is And I never made anyone pay for Resistance, wtf that means Elle I love you but this forum still needs a lot of work sister
  23. Honestly I have no calm left for this forum so yeah if you have nothing nice to say just shut the fuck up I would have never returned if it wasn't for this She doesn't know shit She just saw me tweeting lyrics from her new song(s) And saw the Mike guy Reported us both to her label and manager last night Then she contacted me today, girl literally begged me to keep the songs to myself
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