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About merman

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  1. He didn't say that, you all need to fucking grow up you're like a bunch of window lickers
  2. The only member I mentioned was me I am mariah, funny how the other 3 of the 4 responsible are being so fucking defensive isn't it
  3. Why don't you see yourself out given you just helped reduce Lana's rating!!
  4. Full of shit you do know you're not really anonymous on the web don't you. Lmfao
  5. It's fucking obvious who it was you bunch if idiots, Me I Am Mariah is still going for it, yeah he wasn't a massive fan but if you think you didn't make it worse just so you can feel better about yourselves forget it everyone else knows you made it worse.
  6. I'll blame who the fuck I like and I know who it is, the question you have to ask yourselves is how much worse did all you make it, you're a bunch of cunts who clearly don't have a conscience.
  7. You can thank yourself and some others from here for that shit review John Williams!! If you all just left him alone it wouldn't have been so bad. Bunch of twats.
  8. ...and ask if she sees an early death as glamorous. "I don't know. Ummm, yeah."
  9. Don't think so think she tweeted that 'I want to die' is part of Ultra marketing campaign. Sad thing is ... it probably was.
  10. Trucker pills are just to keep you awake like ProPlus (caffeine pill) or Speed (amphetamine) Doesn't sound like Lana wants to die anymore lel
  11. That's not feminism lel, you sound like you know what feminism means as much as Perry, Gaga, Taylor, Gomez and Lana, it's just another massive shout out for 'I'm thick as fuck and just reinforcing that for ya' lmao
  12. Whore is a misogynistic word, it's a derogatory hate word used only to the female gender although there are plenty of male whores the term for that only exist in the urban dictionary whereas whore has always been specifically attributed to women. Just saying
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