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Posts posted by HunterSThompson

  1. Honeymoon - 14

    Music to Watch Boys to -10

    Terrence Loves You - 10

    God Knows I Tried - 10

    High By the Beach  - 10

    Freak - 10

    Art Deco - 10

    Religion - 7

    Salvatore - 10

    The Blackest Day - 14

    24 - 8

    Swan Song - 10

    Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 7

  2. Honeymoon - 13

    Music to Watch Boys to -10

    Terrence Loves You - 10

    God Knows I Tried - 10

    High By the Beach  - 10

    Freak - 10

    Art Deco - 10

    Religion - 7

    Salvatore - 10

    The Blackest Day - 13

    24 - 10

    Swan Song - 10

    Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 7


    Don't come for Religion when DLMBM, Swan Song and 24 are still alive  :crossed:

  3. Honeymoon - 12

    Music to Watch Boys to -10

    Terrence Loves You - 10

    God Knows I Tried - 10

    High By the Beach  - 10

    Freak - 10

    Art Deco - 10

    Religion - 8

    Salvatore - 10

    The Blackest Day - 12

    24 - 10

    Swan Song - 10

    Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 8

  4. Born to Die - 10

    Off to the Races - 11

    Blue Jeans - 10

    Video Games - 11

    Diet Mountain Dew - 10

    National Anthem - 11

    Dark Paradise - 10

    Radio - 10

    Carmen - 9

    Million Dollar Man - 11

    Summertime Sadness - 10

    This is What Makes Us Girls - 10

    Without You - 10

    Lolita - 9 

    Lucky Ones - 8

  5. Honeymoon - 11

    Music to Watch Boys to -10

    Terrence Loves You - 10

    God Knows I Tried - 10

    High By the Beach  - 10

    Freak - 10

    Art Deco - 10

    Religion - 9

    Salvatore - 10

    The Blackest Day - 11

    24 - 10

    Swan Song - 10

    Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 9

  6. Hi all. Just a little thought I had when I was listening to the record. I'm sure others had this thought, too -


    The title "Lust for Life" is so smart. Lust is defined within the confines of "desire," which doesn't always entail achievement or satisfaction. You can really tell Lana is "lusting" for life and happiness in this part of her life, and while she hasn't achieved it yet, she's really trying (which reminds me of the song Change). It's so beautiful that she's finally looking for happiness and surrounding herself with those that make her optimistic and more aware of the world. It makes so much sense that she didn't include Yosemite (and others) because, like she said, those tracks were too happy - it would be disingenuous if she were to sing those songs and pretend she has achieved happiness in life when that's not true. Right now, she's truly lusting for life and happiness in a way she hasn't before.


    Sorry for the rant, I just love her and this record so much. After listening to it over and over again, this record really makes sense (while it looks/sounds convoluted at first glance/listen).

  7. Just started to get into this artist (after months of wondering who SitarHero's picture was) and I am so impressed. So far my favorite tracks from him are:


    1. Just Like Love such a beautiful song, I can't get over it.

    2. Valley (this is what I kind of imagined Yosemite would sound like.) I am LIVING for this track.

    3. Wreath

    4. Queen

    5. Slip Away


    Pretty sure they are all popular songs of his. Any recommendations based on the songs I like? I want to get into more of his stuff :)

  8. Speaking of White Mustang... that song seems to have a lot of replay value for me. It's short, nice to drive to and relatively GP friendly. It's a Lana song I don't mind playing around my friends who don't love her as much as I do. Same goes for Cherry and Summer Bummer. Heroin is my favorite song from this record (and in my top 3 favorite Lana songs ever) but I don't play it as much. It's so raw and emotional, I have to be in the right mindset to hear it (same with Change, another favorite of mine). I guess songs like White Mustang and Cherry are just easy to listen to!


    I was actually playing LFL in my car the other day and my non-Lana-loving-friends responded really well to the Cherry-In My Feelings section of the album, which I thought was really interesting (being that we were on our way to a folk concert and they preferred the hip-hop inspired songs rather than darker and/or folksier songs like TNC and Heroin).

  9. how do you get presale codes? doesn't seem to be the same process as it was for the other california shows (where there was a purchase necessary). there's no info about this show on her official website so i'm like confused about how to access pre-sale tickets 

    You had to have purchased something LFL-related by 11:59PM EST

    I purchased a litho to get the code and they still haven't sent it to me and the presale starts in 40 minutes...  Nevermind I got the code and it starts in 3 MINUTES. HELP.

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