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Posts posted by HunterSThompson

  1. Kinda off topic but MOM LET ME GO TO LONDON TO SEE LANA and my soon to be sister-in-law is coming with me!! If everything goes well tomorrow with the tickets, I'M GOING TO MY FIRST LANA SHOW GUYS!! I'm so happy, I cried tears of joy when I talked with them on the phone!

    I'm honestly the luckiest (fan)girl in the world right now. :crai:


    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 


    Have a wonderful time but watch out for the violent gays and screaming girls

  2. might as well reveal myself before the album drops 


    im bernie sanders. i have been bernie sanders since t he day i was born. when i lost the primaries i was so depressed that i listened to honeymoon for 2 days straight and drank skim milk spiked with vodka. i had plans for at least 286 space programs if i were to become president, and you all blew it. now i spend my days watching drag race and listening to allie hughes demos in between coming on here to talk... to all of you, the american people. with the new lana del rey song, God Bless America, I will be revived, with the lyrics "God Bless America, and all the beautiful Bernies in it". There's at least four of me, and only two of us have done our laundry in the past month. Please vote for me in 2024. 


    Maybe you should've spent less time on Lanaboards and more time campaigning POCs votes so we wouldn't be here sis


  3. I took the "rumbling from distant shores" to mean like the conflicts around the world, I was like maybe this is her song to reflect on what's going on w America's heroin addiction crisis. "Facts of life make it hard to dream sometimes". Like you can't have the american dream anymore cause automation and technological shift are changing the game for a lot a lot of people. But I was stoned so... 


    As far as her doing heroin... she's def sung about it many times but I always took that to be more for the ~aesthetic~ but who knows tbh our gurl cray (and we cray 4 her)


    I think "rumbling shores" just refers to the ocean; since she lives on the beach she can hear the waves as she falls asleep. And I think "the facts of life" just means the current state of the US and the world making it hard to dream positively.

  4. Very unpopular opinion, I think, but I'm not that excited for Get Free ezKkoZ8.gif The lyrics are AMAZING but the production is... meh. It sounds like a sound we've heard from her before. Regardless, I am soo happy she's closing on her own terms, rather than a cover. 

  5. @Elle saying "Unbelievable" in huge red font had my heart drop to my stomach even though I wasn't even involved in that mess  :air2:


    Anyone else kind of disappointed with God Bless America? I know we only have one thirty second snippet to judge but I was expecting something completely different, production-wise... something a little more anthemic maybe? Like I would've loved a relatively uptempo chorus with those kid/layered backing vocals that National Anthem had to give it that grand anthemic feel 

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