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Posts posted by HunterSThompson

  1. Sorry if this is a dumb question girls, but, how can I listen? What app do I download? Or can I just listen online? I'm terrible with this stuff. Usually I just wait for people to rip the file and upload it all over the internet like LB or Twitter but I am toooo excited for Groupie Love & I want to experience everything in real time  :flutter:  thanks in advance<3

  2. So I just watched a few of her videos and it seems to me that, in most cases, she really doesn't know what she's talking about. When she talks about reparations for African-Americans she assumes it's in the form of a cash payment, when in reality it would be something policy based like ending education budgets from the constraints of local property tax or reforming prison sentencing, two issues that disproportionality affect black folks. When she talks about sharia law, she woefully asserts that sharia law is synonymous to civil law or a nations legislation; in reality, sharia is philosophical, meant to be used to live an Islamic life as fiqh. Sharia has never been about conquest or legislation, it's the exact opposite. Even her talk about the Women's March fell flat, factually. She clearly doesn't do her homework.  :um3:

  3. I listened to GL and 24 side by side and literally see no similarities lol to me it's the 6th untouchable 5-- it doesnt really sound like a copy of one but it could go with them.


    Tbh sometimes I wonder what would have happened if U5 hadn't leaked. Would lana ever progress to UV sound? would we have Black Beauty as an album instead and what would it sound like?

    Groupie Love sounds like a mix between Starry Eyed and JFK to me! Love the 6th untouchable

  4. guuuuuys I have a really great theory as to how Lust for Life is literally a continuation of Honeymoon


    As in, the continuation of a story. Not just lyrically or rhythmically, but that they cohesively go together in a storyline.


    But it goes pretty deep, and I'm not entirely sure if Lana is really that committed. lol 

    Sis................ she's not 


  5. Yeah it's definitly the biggest racial problem that people who are not black are usibg hip-hop beats :toofunny: pack up your SJW-shit amd make place for people who are fighting actual racism-issues. "White washing of hip-hop music" kind of ruins the whole concept of music - that it should unite people and be a form of art. Music is attached to culture but it's not exclusive. Stop acting as if you'd be politically WOKE if all you do is nitpicking sh*t and putting label on people.

    Oh man. All I did was say that someone made a good point about white washing hip-hop and this is what I get  :facepalm:


    1. When did I ever say it was the biggest racial issue?

    2. Which label did I put on you (or anyone)?


    I know it's not the most comfortable thing to talk about race, but it's an important conversation to have. Because yes, big racial issues like gentrification do intersect with music, culture and society. If you'd just have an open mind and not get so scared when people mention race, then maybe we could have a real discussion about this. You can PM me if you want, I'm still learning but I'd be happy to teach what I know<3 For now, I'm leaving this conversation though because it's counterproductive and you seem to be getting upset and there are better things to do than get mad online  :awk:


    *Also, I am a proud social justice warrior, it's not an insult lol I'd be happy to fight for social justice any day anywhere

  6. Are you joking or are you actually throwing the racist card? That's the most pathetic thing I've read on the last 100 pages of this thread. "If you have nothing more to say, make it a racial-issue/gender-issue" :dance:


    @KillKillQueen actually made a really good point but you missed it completely. No one said anyone was a racist. Ever. Is the appropriation and white washing of hip-hop culture a racial issue? Of course it is. How could it not be? If you deny that you literally know nothing about music and its intersection with culture and society. 

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