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Posts posted by HunterSThompson

  1. Late to the album rankings but here's my tea:


    UV >> LFL  HM > P > BTD


    LFL ≥ HM means that LFL is greater than or equal to HM (for everyone who doesn't remember elementary math  :teehee:).


    Honestly, I like LFL more than HM, but I think HM is a better album... if that makes sense? The production is cleaner and more cohesive on HM but LFL has more replay value to me. So, sometimes I think LFL is superior and sometimes I think HM is.


    *Not including Lizzy Grant stuff 

  2. Updated ranking since everyone's doing it  :smokes2:


    1. Heroin
    2. Cherry
    3. Tomorrow Never Came
    4. Change
    5. Love
    6. White Mustang
    7. When The World Was At War, We Kept Dancing
    8. 13 Beaches
    9. In My Feelings
    10. Lust For Life
    11. God Bless America
    12. Groupie Love
    13. Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    14. Coachella
    15. Summer Bummer
    16. Get Free

    A few notes:

    - The more I listen to Cherry the more I love it, though it'll never surpass Heroin. The production is fresh yet classic, and the lyrics are playful yet serious. 

    - Lust For Life is generally a good song and doesn't deserve the hate it gets. The lyrics are cliche but still sweet and I actually love the production (esp. in the verses!).

    - Summer Bummer gets worse with each listen. I love love love the first verse and the piano but it never goes anywhere after that. There is no climax to the song.

    - BPBP is great, just a let down. However!! I am liking more and more with each listen.

    - WTWWAWWKD was another let down (though I still adore the track!). The chorus and prechorus are kind of boring. However, the "shake it up" verses are AMAZING (and are def. an album highlight!).

    - GBA is good but the chorus is boring. I love love love the guitars though.

    Final note, looking ahead:

    - I would love an album that's like Tomorrow Never Came + Heroin + WTWWAWWKD. Kind of like a mix between UV and HM. Slow slightly-psychedelic-mood-folk. If she collaborates with anyone else please God let it be Father John Misty. 

  3. Wait I remember what bothered me about the chorus the first time I heard it, the intro and the pre chorus have a certain "darker" atmosphere and then the chorus was suddenly a lighter atmosphere, I think. Maybe it could be a reason? But maybe that's intentional, like the theme is getting from dark to blue lol. But now I love it, specially because the last 5 months I've been wanting to get out of my negativity (that's why I was so happy about a happier album).


    Anyway, we all like different things.

    True  :kiss3:



    I don't like obsess over Lizzy grant material either but I love the way they contrast her main vocals on the chorus get free and then she throws in a ride reference too so it becomes an emotional throwback for me...

    For some reason the "emotional throwback" for me (on this record) is Heroin?? I know it doesn't make much sense but that song really stands out to me because it's the darkest track on the record and it reminds me of a production/lyrical combination of Cruel World and The Blackest Day, both of which are among my top 10 favorite Lana songs. So like the fact that the production/lyrics are relatively different from the rest of the record and reminiscent of older heavy & dark tracks makes it kind of like a subtle throwback for me

  4. This is exactly how I feel.

    Everything works for me except the chorus of the song. There's just something about the melody and the beat that I don't care for.

    This x 100



    I don't really see how the lyrics in the chorus are tacky tbh... elaborate?

    I think it's nice when an artist references old stuff of theirs, but it didn't work here, especially with the melody. Also, Lana recycles lyrics a lot, mostly in an artistic way that doesn't sound tacky (black beaches, blue, party dress, pale moonlight, etc.) but this one sounded a little off to me. It's hard to describe, I'm just not a fan! 

  5. Okay I'm going to get attacked for this but... is anyone else not feeling Get Free? It's the only song I can't get into besides Coachella  :crossed: I love the verses and the prechorus is OK but that damn chorus ruins the song for me. The lyrics in the chorus are kind of tacky and the production is boring. Also, the song really goes nowhere. When the middle 8/bridge is supposed to come and take the song off, it just ends with ocean sounds instead. I love every track off of LFL but this one is just bad in my opinion 

  6. UV > HM >> LFL > P > BTD


    Lust For Life is spectacular but the production is a hit or miss. A common mistake throughout the record, for me at least, seems to be that the verses and prechoruses have wonderful production but the choruses do not (God Bless America, WTWWAWWKD, Get Free). Production highlights on LFL are definitely Heroin, Love, LFL, Cherry, TNC and Change.


    Honeymoon, though slow, was beautifully produced, but Ultraviolence takes the cake. I'm trying to find a flaw and I can't. Even Guns and Roses is beautifully produced, albeit repetitive and boring (lyrically). 

  7. My favorites:


    1. Heroin: Absolutely my favorite song from the record. I can't put into words how much it means to me. It's in my top 3 favorite Lana songs now.

    2. Change: I wrote on here earlier about how this song is her most relatable for me, and it still holds true. The lyrics bring literal tears to my eyes. 

    3. Love: Very cohesive song production and lyric-wise.

    4. Cherry: I love how it was serious when we first heard it, but the production changed and it's now a playful song. The dissonance between the lyrics and the ad-libs of cursing is actually genius

    5. Tomorrow Never Came: Beautiful production

    6. When The World Was At War, We Kept Dancing: It would be in my top three if it weren't for the chorus/pre-chorus. The "shake it up" verses are the best though!

    7. White Mustang: Simple but beautiful. Would be top 5 but the first verse is lyrically embarrassing.

    8. 13 Beaches: Awesome production and good lyrics, esp. "ballroom of my mind"


    My least favorites:

    1. Get Free: Verses 9/10, prechorus 8/10, chorus 2/10. The chorus ruins it for me but I still appreciate this song a lot and its message<3 that chorus is just terrible, in my opinion, though I know most of you love it<3


    The rest of the tracks, I'm relatively neutral about. I'm not crazy about GBA's chorus and I like exercising/walking around the city at night to In My Feelings but it's nothing special (though the verses are kind of iconic..."sobbing in my coffee"). Lust For Life, the track is still just OK to me! BPBP is decent, too. I'm getting used to it. It's just not what I expected.



    Lol sorry I keep editing this. I keep accidentally posting this when it's still unfinished, but whatever.


    Hope y'all are enjoying the album as much as I am. Much love<3

  8. Love - 14

    Lust For Life (ft. The Weeknd) - 14

    13 Beaches - 16

    Cherry - 15

    White Mustang - 16

    Summer Bummer (ft. A$AP Rocky & Playboi Carti) - 9

    Groupie Love (ft. A$AP Rocky) - 15

    In My Feelings - 15

    Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind - 10

    God Bless America - And All the Beautiful Women In It - 23

    When the World Was At War We Kept Dancing - 13

    Beautiful People Beautiful Problems (ft. Stevie Nicks) - 17

    Tomorrow Never Came (ft. SEAN ONO LENNON) - 16

    Heroin - 16

    Change - 16

    Get Free - 16

  9. Going off what LTM said, I do find this sing is about e personification of heroin usage. I'm going to assume both Lana and her love had been oin the heroin use due to the legend of Manson family while they lived in topanga. When Lana says she's flying to the moon, it means she's getting so high she reaches the moon. When she says she put him on an aeroplane to a foreign land, she's meaning she was the one giving him the heroin and the foreign land is the state of being high. She hoped he would survive the usage of the drug, but he didn't, note the overusage of OK. Now on the second verse, Lana compares her lover to Manson, probably because his own use of the drug and the alluring of women. Now on the bridge, it just seems like a release of anger of living in topanga, as it is always hot there and the writing on the walls with blood and shit would be the realization of her heroin usage, with her own blood from the heroin needles. In the final verse, she claims she is going to get high again, but now the mood is different as now she is dreaming about marzipan and taking her medicine. She claims she is also getting back on the aeroplane, and she is going to get off on the marzipan. This may mean that she is now seeking treatment and she hopes to come back to her lover and now she is changed and no longer addicted. The ending line of saying she would be lying if she said she wasn't sick is of it is signifying her realization of her addiction. Just my interpretation


    Finally an interpretation that sounds right and not outlandish. I agree with this analysis! Fans can get crazy & deep in their interpretations of her songs but this is really good and realistic 

  10. I am having such an emotional response to parts of this record. Change, in particular, really resonates with me. "Maybe by the time summer's done I'll be able to be..." hits me so hard. I just permanently moved to California from New Jersey (east to west coast) by myself at 19 and I'm at such a transitional point in my life & I can feel Lana is there too. I can just tell we both are doing all these things to make us happy but it's still not in our grasps and it feels like we've gotten as far as we can get. It's all so confusing and scary but at the same time hopeful. 


    Heroin is another song that really resonates with me (and tons of you I think) because I can just feel the emotion in the song. It's one of my favorite songs she has ever released, to be honest. I almost cried when I first heard it. Especially living in California and being in the places she talks about in the song, I can just feel the lyrics she sings behind the beautiful desert-like production. 


    So, I just wanted to come on here and say thank you for going on this crazy LFL era ride with me, I'm so happy to have found people with a similar musical passion to me here and I am happy we are enjoying this record, albeit early because we are spoiled fans who know no boundaries lol jk y'all love you. I also just want to say that I hope y'all found a song that hits you as hard as Change hits me. It feels good to know that I'm going through this ambiguous & transitional & confusing period of my life with my favorite artist. It makes me feel less lonely <3  

  11. Cherry and In My Feelings are kind of iconic... like they are almost... playful, I think? Like the profanities in both seem so out of place it's almost funny and I am living for it. It took me a few listens but I love how playful both songs are. They have the potential to be such serious typical Lana songs but certain production/lyrical quirks completely change the song and create this caricature of Lana that critics/the GP assume of her.


    Lana is becoming so self-aware and comfortable with herself and her music, I love it. 

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