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Everything posted by expandableclitoris

  1. still crushed by this film arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my depression is making me feel sad and angry because of the ending if its coming to my town i'll watch it on the cinemas
  2. @@Amadeus what do you think it will be the plot of the sequel? I think they'll explore more of their lives and, like Elio in his 20's and Oliver trying to be a professor and they'll adapt the 15/20 years prologue to end the movie
  3. watched it 26/12/17 at night just bookmarking that for my grandchildren to know the movie that changed my gay lypheh
  4. If you also felt crushed after the ending, like this post
  5. not yall with this pedophile thing again. when lana makes thousands of references to Lolita and daddies at the age of sixteen, no one gives a f
  6. well i felt pretty much the same about lady bird soo bland
  7. watch her obliterate the song from her own existence again in 2 months
  8. nnnnnnnnn i'm watching Lady Bird and guess who appears
  9. also the plot gave a very hopeful feeling to the movie which italian dad would support his gay child and his american daddy in the 80's?
  10. i guess the whole point of the movie is to show that what they had was special but brief as the summer (because both were discovering their sexuality and it was 1989, fuck)... lana is always saying that i think that if they kept the relationship it would become boring after some time every first summer love is a crushing one, i've had mine and when he left me, i felt the same. its part of our lives unf i didnt necessarily think it was a 'bad' ending for him but i would be lying if i said that it didnt fucked my brain and heart
  11. SERIOUSLY how to move on from this movie i literally could not sleep last night and study this morning because i was thinking about it i think i'll log out
  12. thought the same when i was creating the thread
  13. heard Luca is making a sequel hoping he doesnt fuck it up
  14. title sounds cheesy but cool af he betta put her version, i dont want a Riverside 2.0
  15. dont mind me im just here catching names to drop at the "Most problematic" at LIPSTERS
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