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Everything posted by Marius

  1. Yeah. I forgot about the album as well. I’ve been listening to Lana barely past few days. It’s good. Maybe her music is gonna be more fresh. Finally can resist listening to Cinnamon which is hard!
  2. *DON'T GET YOUR HOPES TOO HIGH. THE LINK IS JUST MY CURIOSITY* https://twitter.com/Mark_Beech/status/1099403075662561280 Guys what do you think about that? He's wrote 'A little over a month to the next Lana Del Rey.' He means this wrong date which we used to think was the right one or maybe something else?
  3. Oh my God. he just replied that they don’t have a date....
  4. I think that he's said that she should make a chorus out of the verse.
  5. This poem is so heartwarming and sad at the same time.
  6. Talking about movies... maybe Disney song is for Frozen 2. Idk. Im just thirsty af and I’m searching some ridiculous amount of possibilities.
  7. I thought it’s some kind of news about the album. Disappointed but not surprised.
  8. Oh my God! Yasss. OK Computer timeless classic. Lana make it through.
  9. I still believe in those rumors about an album cover this week. I'm so delusional but it's okay
  10. I guess she did not. I remember her attending at pre gala and not at grammys. But now she’s working with Gucci so who knows.
  11. Ahh. Tarantino movies are fckin great! I’d love her to sing for this movie bc I’m looking forward to seeing it! Hope this Disney song is still a thing, though.
  12. Feels like the nightmare is going to become reality.
  13. I can’t agree. Still one of most intimate Lana song she’s ever recorded. MAC, VB and Hope are like holy trinity to me rn.
  14. Indeed. Do we even require that much? I mean she's out of her home only for circa 30 days of the year and she can't even make a proper video or step her foot out of LA to promote some stuff. She seems bored with everything she does and maybe she should focus on something else for a while bc I'm getting tired of her laziness and lack of effort.
  15. No. We’ve been waiting for three months for the campaing to be launched. At least I think that.
  16. I love this time when Ben shows up here and quotes some random post about his d*** etc. and says nothing about Lana or the album.
  17. I mean Love is doing quite well and Lust For Life as well.
  18. Haven't heard Cinnamon for couple of days and I turned it on again today.
  19. That’s the fact but it’s just a matter of days.
  20. Ok. Logging out bc I’m already tired of reading this mess.
  21. Billie is really popular and her audience is growing af. I have to say that her music is getting worse, though. I really liked her EP but these past 3 songs are just weak. I’ve heard this new one like 10 times bc I wanted to be objective and I’m already tired of that song. Now I’m listening VB and it sounds amazing. Lana did that but it’s such a shame that she’s disappeared.
  22. I just had a dream that Lana has made 2 videos which were connected with each other and when this first one just ended her outfit changed the color and she was all pink. At the end she also said that she can fly now - idk why. the new song which was the first single had a title „I don’t want to live in this world anymore” and it was super catchy. And Harry Styles was in it. Lol.
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