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Everything posted by bluefiona

  1. The comments about Lana on there. They couldn't even say her hair looked gorgeous or the dress was pretty.
  2. She looks beautiful and I love how long and shiny her hair is! Please tell me that there was no sight of Ricky (Dat1guitarguy) around? He's usually stalking her at events like this.
  3. Wasn't it just stolen from her car? Does she have another copy of it? Or is she redoing everything?
  4. Who ever leaked this will have some bad karma going their way because why would anyone be so vicious to release a song that's obviously not finished and mastered. Who hates Sky this much?
  5. The pose and background are very similar.
  6. Can one of you drive me there? Please? But seriously, I wish these guys the best. If this helps Sky to release her music, so be it. I don't think a lot of people will be there though. If only 5 people turn up this will be embarassing.
  7. bluefiona

    Weyes Blood

    Grapevine is stunning.
  8. Yes finally! She created her own label and if finally free!
  9. Say what you want but I love all the Sky fans posting under each Capitol posts.
  10. 2019: I'm trying to understand her situation.
  11. She uses her scoliosis as an excuse...I have scoliosis AND chronic sciatic nerve pain, which is why I do receptionist jobs. I can't stand longer then 5 mins, so I would die in the middle of any retail store. If that's the problem with Sky, she could do desk work like I do. But, all I see her do is some modeling gigs, a indie film once in a while and festivals. How does she pay her bills is a mystery to me.
  12. I love Target, they just don't give their employee good health care like Starbucks does.
  13. Was that really her as a cashier in Target? She would have been better off working at Starbucks. They give you health insurance.
  14. If she signed a contract a lawyer can't do anything. She does have the option of creating a stage name and releasing her stuff under the new name. Why she hasn't done this yet is truly weird. When you want to release your music or any other work, you do anything to get it out. This is what makes me side eye her.
  15. I need someone to explain this post to me. lol https://www.instagram.com/p/CkaWQc8I-Mz/ They are "keeping Sky captive" because they don't want her to have a successful career? This sounds like something Alex Jones would say. "They basically want to hold her hostage until she's too old to go anywhere else. Since if she leaves now, she can still save her career by signing to a label which will truly value her work and support her."
  16. I don't see Masochism ever coming out. Capitol is done with her. She should move on with a new stage name and new music. If only Capitol dropped her. Get it done. They aren't profitting from her so what's the point? They basically have her stuck.
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