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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 14 hours ago, Gravitate said:

    Chemtrails Over the Country Club is such a beautiful album title :gurl:


    I agree. It has to be her best album title. 


    The problem was the visuals which Lana fucked up by choosing awful album covers and terrible music videos. The video for Chemtrails was beautiful. That was the only good thing (visually) from that era. 

  2. 18 hours ago, Whore of Tropico said:

    the way that we all know 2022 will be nothing different from 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and we can't do nothing about it.


    You knocked the hope right out of me. 





  3. 13 hours ago, IanadeIrey said:

    Honeymoon deserved the same acclaim as NFR — but I get it, not everyone that is paid to “critique” has the insight to understand complex bodies of work. 


    Sweet Christ she looks gorgeous in that gif. Was this the last time she looked glamourous and put together at a red carpet event? Yup, I think it is.


    Not counting the mess that was the Met because that was a costume, plus creepy Jared by her side.  


    Now we get this kind of mess with the titties peeking out saying hello. :thumb3:







  4. If only the lyrics to Blue Banisters were different...because the music itself is gorgeous. 


    I don't like any of the lyrics to that song. Not the chickens running around, Nikki Lane popping in, Chucky making cake or Tex and Mex fucking around. :true:



  5. On 12/14/2021 at 10:29 AM, Motorcycle Love Divine said:

    of course not, she'll be singing her old ass songs from 2013 and the same covers as usual in her set


    Make it make sense. 


    I check all the time to see if she's still a Capitol records artists and she still is. https://www.capitolrecords.com/artists/#/ 


    I don't know most of the artists on Capitol's roster. I must be old. :dorothy3:

  6. 17 hours ago, Glitter Boy said:

    This is a compilation I made using songs intended for the album and songs made around that time that I felt sounded good within it. But it's not an official tracklist or something. The songs can be found in SoundCloud, YouTube, or other sharing sites, and a few were officially released but then removed from streaming platforms. If I'm not wrong, the only one that remains available is "One".

    I don't think anyone would mind as these songs are widely available online and they all are scrapped, so here it is!


    Thank you I haven't heard most of these songs. :party:

  7. On 12/3/2021 at 5:45 PM, Coney Island King said:

    I don’t like that cover either. Looks cheap.


    I assume since the album is called Book 1 there will be a book 2? Maybe in the same year?……or is asking her to release two LP’s in one year too much :ma:


    I mean, going by her other album covers, this new one is pretty. I find all her previous album covers ugly. lol 



  8. Player of Games is such a gorgeous song. I love the lyrics video. Very symbolic and beautiful. The effort she puts into her songs and visuals is inspiring. 

  9. On 11/22/2021 at 12:08 PM, Glitter Boy said:

    This is what I'm using:


    Cry Baby is one of the most difficult unreleased albums to arrange to me, because even though I've used the released singles + As If! it still doesn't feel cohesive enough so I just put some unreleased songs there. I know not all the songs in my tracklist were intended for the album but they sound good together + were made around the same dates so I called it a day I guess :ma: 


    Is there like a link for this "unreleased" debut album? I never heard of some of these song names. 

  10. On 12/2/2021 at 4:09 PM, Glitter Boy said:

    Oh, so she does have a Bandcamp?! Sky, give me a reason, one fucking reason why you didn't release practically anything at all during all these years :sideeye: it's way easier using BC instead of digital streaming platforms AND she could've made some coins from there :hellno: WHY SKY WHY :crying2:

    I know the reason, she really hates us. She didn't want to release anything. She could but she didn't.



    Exactly! I didn't even know she had a bandcamp! And looking at it it's been dead since forever. Damn shame and a missed opportunity. :brandy:

  11. On 12/2/2021 at 3:02 PM, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

    I don’t really want this to happen, but I’d be curious to see the end result of Lana working with someone like FINNEAS would be

    I’m not a huge fan of the music he produces, but I can’t help but wonder what it would sound like with his music being more traditionally pop-oriented


    I would love to see Lana work with Jack White but Jack isn't going to tolerate her walking into his studio late in short shorts with a Latte in one hand and a donut on the other. He's very strict about working on music and studio time. Ask anyone who's been in a band with him or he's produced. 


    And Lana being stubborn, ill tempered and hard headed as Jack White, she would probably throw the latte at him and tell him to fuck off or go fuck himself. :coffee:




    Lana would work wonderfully with Mark Ronson. He has the patience of a saint like Antonoff. Both are easy going. 


    However - I would pay big money to see Lana get into a fight with Jack White in a recording studio. lol

  12. On 12/4/2021 at 3:50 PM, shady said:



    For all of you who thinks this is cute just because Lana is wearing it 

    Stop lying to yourselves 



    The ugliest outfit I ever seen at an event. Hands down. And the truth is everybody knows it but they're acting like it's the best thing ever just because it's Lana. :flop:


    On 12/6/2021 at 7:10 AM, lanasbottom said:

    i don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion but she NEEDS to come up with something new lyrical wise. i love every mention of the color blue, about her being crazy and wild, her candles in the wind and her missing her old life but after the past 3 albums it’s gotten a bit stale and repetitive. can she PLS come up with something new, new topics, new thoughts. damn it girl give us a concept album, a musical in album form, a story from A to Z idk something new and different. same for the production, i LOVE bb it’s one my fav albums in a long time but we need more variety. the piano and muffled drums were great but i need her to do something spicy, exciting and most importantly unexpected :crying2:

     like we’re talking about the woman who created her own genre, who blended orchestral music with hip-hop and trap beats, do something BOLD…


    You're asking for too much. She's not Grimes. :brandy:

  13. 4 hours ago, Leader of The Pack said:

    If you eat vegetables in this country or buy literally anything in this world you are financially supporting slavery or wage theft in some way. Systemic problems require systemic solutions. Policing individuals is a bourgeoisie way to feel morally superior without actually doing anything about the issue. Also the stans of other artists who do way shiftier promos for really bad companies jumping in on this is….the hypocrisy is deafening. At the end of the day they’re just bullying a woman to get a kick out of their day. I’m sorry its occurring while she just lost her gramma who was extremely special to her


    To think she shut down her "lanadelrey" accounts and is being bullied now on her "honeymoon" page. That person isn't a fan. In the meantime, her real fans can't get into the page. Her grandmother just died. Take it all down. She doesn't need to be dealing with that kind of crap at a moment like this. 

  14. On a happier note, Madonna's daughter Lola Leon coming after people like me who didn't like that outfit Lana wore to the Variety awards. :bearnod:




    I don't agree with that outfit, but love Lola and Madonna. It's amazing how much she looks like her mom. 



  15. On 12/4/2021 at 5:55 PM, cinnamongirI said:

    lana followed the stalker lord..


    I saw. He stalked her again to the Variety award. Maybe she wants to keep an eye on him. Ben knows he drives by her house all the time and goes to Hillsong to see her. Maybe that's why she hasn't been to Hillsong in forever. 


    I miss Sean. Sean put him in his place and put the fear of god in him. I heard when Sean confronted him at that Grammy event he looked like he was about to cry. Big mouth on IG but a loser wuss when Sean confronted him face to face. 


    For those who don't know who we're talking about, this is the stalker we talking about. 




    He follows her everywhere and drives by her home. He admitted to standing in front of her home sometimes just to see her in her back yard. I don't know why he use to admit this shit to people on IG. Doesn't he know it's illegal to stalk someone? 


    I understand being a fan, but this man goes over the top and that is dangerous. This guy is a creepy little shit who's entire world is Lana. Look at his IG. Stalking her at every event and going to her church and driving by her home is not being a fan. It's being an obsessive stalker. You can tell the difference between a harmless overzealous fan like Win Edwards and this stalker. Win has never gone to her cult church just to see her or drove or stood in front of Lana's home. 


    I honestly worry for Lana sometimes. She's too nice just like Selena was and we all know what happened to Selena. 




    Selena's family said she was too nice sometimes. She went over and beyond for her fans. It ended up being a fan who killed her. 



  16. On 11/25/2021 at 5:17 PM, Dominikx4 said:

    well its less ugly than the OG


    Was going to same the same. Her name being slapped right in the middle of the album cover with that fugly font is what ruins it for me everytime, so it doesn't matter if the pic is better.

  17. 7 hours ago, Downtown Baby Doll said:

    yawn...nobody moved


    these grammy noms are all boring the only one i'm excited about is kacey


    I like Olivia R. and hope she wins. Selena was nominated for her Spanish album which is cool. First time for her. Not shocked that Chem wasn't nominated at all. It's her weakest album.

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