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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 7 hours ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    She’s not out fully though she’s still on the honeymoon account with the same obsessive stalker fans that have said nasty shit about her. 


    Really? Are the same stalker pychopaths who followed her on her "official" page are on Honeymoon? Then what's the point? 


     To make it worst, on that new video she has the GPS thing on speaker over the song. lol


    I love her but she's such a mess. :dorothy3:

  2. 7 hours ago, lustforlife said:

    The best thing she did was get out of social media... She looks happy and flawless... social media is really that toxic 


    But she's not really out of social media. She's using her Honeymoon account. Out of social media is being completely out of social media and that means no Honeymoon either. 



  3. On 10/28/2021 at 7:10 PM, longtimeman said:

    So last night I had enough of feeling sad/good, and wanted to feel sad/angry for a minute, so I watched Fantano's review. All in all, it's his usual shtick, but two things stood out to me.

    First, he makes a reference to her 'doing a Yoko' on Dealer, and then quickly follows up by saying that he actually likes Yoko. This is such classic hipster doofus review strategy that even when he catches himself out turning to the oldest cliche in the book (crapping on Yoko will always get a cheap laugh), he doesn't have the self awareness to look into what might be behind her singing. Hence, he continues to be a guy who can't deal with an artist releasing a record that doesn't fit into the phony category he's decided they belong in.

    Secondly, he says that her voice just isn't for him. This is something I wish he'd just said up front, and been done with it. I find it bewildering that anybody who doesn't like Lana's voice would have enjoyed any of her records (as he did with at least parts of LFL/NFR/CotCC), but I also can't see why he can't either count himself out from reviewing her albums, or try to imagine what somebody who enjoys her voice might think of it. I hate the modern idea that everything needs to be for everybody, and if it isn't then you can voice your dumb opinion about why it's not for you as though it matters.

    Overall, I really envy my best friend and fellow Lana stan, who is never on social media/message boards/review sites, and gets to enjoy the records on his own terms, just like we did when we were fifteen and we literally did not hear what anyone thought of our favourite records unless we hunted down an obscure print magazine from Europe or something. People should be allowed to not like something, and have the grace to not bother talking about it. There's never been an easier time in recent history to ignore any music/TV/films/whatever that you don't care about.


    10 seconds into the video I just turned it off and gave him a thumbs down.


    He doesn't like female artists. He destroyed Fiona "Bolt cutters" album. 


    That peenie head basically reviews female albums for the clicks and monitize money he gets from the video. He dislikes Lana's voice and he's reviewing her albums? What's the point? 

  4. 7 hours ago, blameitonme said:

    how the hell is she still in the studio :lange::bebe::trisha:


    9 years in the studio.


    I'm going to be going through menapause by the time Capitol lets her release album 2. 


    Fuck my life. 



  5. On 10/22/2021 at 7:18 PM, Peace said:

    i legit noticed today that buy the stars lonely hearts club and living dead are all on spotify??? WHEN TF DID THAT HAPPEN


    Tragic. Those songs should have been in the EH album officially. 

    On 10/19/2021 at 2:47 PM, Charlottexseax said:

    A REMIX??????? god i can't stand her


    At least she's making some kind of an effort. 



  6. 24 minutes ago, brandon said:

    tbh i wonder if when she said “next record” she meant the covers album, because that would make a lot of sense as a digital only album - and i feel like her label would def let that slide (also she told us that would be digital only when she mentioned it a year ago iirc)


    in terms of actual ldr9 tho? i feel like her label will make her do vinyls just bc of how well they sell


    She might be going indie if her contract is over. Big record companies are not about digital only. This is why I say she should get a bandcamp account so every purchase goes directly to her. 


    Also, don't know if this was already posted. 



  7. 11 hours ago, bigspender said:

    like others said, with the country to cali album, she isn’t touring, but she also said the next album will be digital only with no physical releases


    Is she going independant? Is her contract over? So many questions. If that's the case, I hope she gets a Bandcamp page. 

  8. 17 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Thinking about "if someone ever yells at you or gets angry with you, LEAVE THEM" and then in the next breath she's talking about throwing plates at her tour manager for not letting her go on stage in a thunderstorm


    Someone has anger issues. It explains why none of her relationships lasts. :wat:

  9. 9 minutes ago, Doll Harlow said:

    Not sure why people are surprised when her last TV performance (Let Me Love You Like a Woman) was exactly like this. Prerecorded. It was a nice enough clip for what it was.


    But she sang live on that prerecorded clip and made the effort to look good. I shouldn't be shocked by what I just saw tonight. This is Lana after all. She's not Taylor, Charli or Adele. They always make an effort in all their performances.


    Shit, about a week ago Charli rose up from a grave on her live TV performance of Good Ones. She served live vocals, dance and looked gorgeous. :rip:

  10. 3 minutes ago, That Venice Bitch said:



    Suck it. It's my opinion and if you don't like it, put me on ignore. I'm not debating my opinion. She has a brand new gorgeous album out. It was the chance to promote it. Make an effort. Instead of putting on something nice or a make a little effort, she looked like she just came from the supermarket. The barrett on her hair looks cute on a 5 year old, not a 36 year old. She didn't even bother to sing live which makes this situation sad af. :wtfney:

  11. 26 minutes ago, War In My Mind said:

    Well I think it was filmed yesterday, at least based on the posts from the set that Lana posted on the Honeymoon account


    That wasn't sung live. You can tell she was lip syncing like she does in concerts. She hasn't been able to do high note vocals since her Endless Summer tour. I don't know why that guy was playing piano. Bless him. 


    It's sad because Blue Banisters is a beautiful album and deserves a good promotion. :awkney:

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