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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 3 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Exactly! Plus she is still working on an album… it’s just that she doesn’t want the negativity of socials. That decision will surely bring back the mysterious persona of early career that some of us wanted back. When her projects are ready, she will probably reactivate and post about those. Or not. But hey, let’s be real here, it’s not as if she updated us a lot on the process of creation. Without BoZ, this pre-pre-release era would have been dry AF.

    She mainly posted stuff about her friends(which we all hated) her siblings and other stuff that had nothing to do with her career. Her instagram was a disaster for promotions. lol

  2. 4 hours ago, wildflowerwildfire said:

    do you think she’ll do a tour again or is she done with that now?

    If she's willing to do energetic shows like she use to do back in 2012-2016. But if it's the same boring lip syncing shows, BTD song list, with the out of place sexy backup dancers, screaming for her vape and running to the front row to take pictures with Win Edwards again -  then she can stay home.

    Her shows aren't worth what she charges $200 - $500. It's obvious she hates touring. To tour the same messy way she did for the NFR tour, it's better that she doesn't tour again.

    Kate Bush and Enya have never toured any of their records and they are legends. Lana will be fine.

  3. For those asking "how are we going to get updates now???!!"

    The way we use to get updates 20 years ago before social media existed - by the artist's official website. Just go to Lana's official website and see if they added updates in there. https://www.lanadelrey.com/homepage/

    No biggie.

    Also, some of you are getting too hysterical over this. She's not dead nor is she retiring. She's just deactivating and living her life. Believe it or not, social media didn't always exists. Back in the 90's when I was a kid, we got updates straight from the radio, VH1 and MTV.

    Lorde and Fiona Apple aren't on social media, and look how well they get their music out there. Nothing to be so worried about.

  4. Just now, prettywhenimhigh said:


    this makes a lot of sense

    maybe her sadness is because she's closing a chapter and changing labels idk

    I seen several artists who change labels do this, so that's why I'm not worried. Lana is fine. She'll be back on Instagram after the clean up unless she does what Lourd does with her newsletters, which would be amazing. Maybe that's why she released all these albums so fast so she can be done and over with her previous label? 

    Anyway I'm extra happy because she's still working on her poetry books.

  5. Just now, Downtown Baby Doll said:

    Honestly, it might be for the best, as much as I hate to say it. She's always had a contentious relationship with social media for as long as I can remember. Let's just hope that mean's she's focusing on cooking up more content for us :clapback:

    She should have deactivated the day she wrote "Question for the Culture" :agree:

  6. Just now, Surf Noir said:


    i don't think lana really cares about promo in that way, she seems like she's all about her music and maybe a few other things, like little music videos & photoshoots with people she's worked with before, like neil krug, if her label is forcing her to deactivate, she has no buisness being signed there, she should be able to have social media and to post whatever she wants 

    Not if all her post link to the previous label, which Lana has a ton of posts of. She's deactivating probably to clean everything up and have a new slate. Muse does that for ever new album era. It's not big deal. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    well she needs to unsign herself from capitol records if that's the case :toofunny:

    Why? Have you seen the incredible work they have done to Halsey's career? I can't stand that fake ass no talent bitch Halsey, but the stuff Capitol releases of her is tremendous. Incredible album roll outs, music video, etc. Imagine all that with a real talented person like Lana? A freaking full size Halsey movie with music produced by Trent Reznor last month was released. I mean... Lana deserves something like that more that what's her face. Signing to Capitol would be a great move. 

  8. This is the same exact thing Lourd did. Now she communicates to her fans solely by newsletter. And you know what? It's personal and beautiful and sweet and heart felt. Lourd did the right thing leaving social media. If this is what Lana had planned then hooray! 

    She's also standing in front of Capitol Records. She says she's releasing more stuff standing in front of that building. I think she's signed on to them now. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    I really don't like Lana vs. Lorde comparisons because they are two completely different artists and humans, however, I feel that it illustrates my point, so: Solar Power is about Lorde's everyday life. There's a song about her dog that passed. Lyrics about imposter syndrome. Etc. But the thing is, none of the songs sound like diary entries. I really feel like Lana's songs of late sound like diary entries, and maybe that's what she's going for - and maybe that's even what most people here like - but there's more to a good song than just recounting your feelings.

    I feel like, if you're going to do that, you've got to be discerning and know what to leave out. This is why you have a diary in the first place - because nobody wants to read that shit, really. She's doing the lyrical equivalent of dumping every single photo from your phone onto your IG, including the blurry selfie and the accidental picture of a tablecloth. I think she thinks it's endearing, and it was to a point, but now my interest is waning. I think people eat it up more than they should just because they are stans and she was so reticent in the past, and now she isn't.

    "My body is a map of LA" - we get it. She likes living in LA. We've heard about LA in how many songs and poems? I get that she lives there. But does Lorde write about New Zealand in most songs? No. Do Florence or Marina write about the UK in most songs? No. Do other American artists write about America in most songs? No. At this point I really wish she'd come up with something else. American themes are okay when they are purposeful and tie in with the meaning of the song but when that meaning is just "I live in LA and my friends come over and swim in my pool, teehee," and variations of that over and over, it's boring.

    Idk maybe I am unstanning without consciously meaning to. I am looking forward to the UV outtakes, though.

    She recycles lyrics a lot. Like a lot a lot.

    God help me if she uses the "no candle in the wind" lyrics on this album too.

    She's stuck. Like writers block. She can't come up with anything new. I wish she would move back to NYC.


    1 hour ago, shady said:


    Like literally. She had a million ways to make a cheap homemade "authentic" video. Why is everything for her so mediocre since Chemtrails? She is really starting to give uncool mom vibes. 

    Nah, this started with Chuck's messy homemade videos for NFR. lol

    I don't know why Lana's videos are so bland since then. Videos Games was homemade and it's a classic video. The Summer Wine video was cute too.


  10. 1 hour ago, HoneymoonDaddy said:

    I'm gonna admit. I'm kinda worried that last year might have done some irreversible damage. When arcadia came out yesterday she barely trended at all. I think the topic peaked at #25 on the Twitter trend chart. Now, the video seems to be doing well. But no one is *talking* about it outside of review sites. Is it due to the type of song(another ballad)? Or again, does this go back to last year's events. Idk. Maybe I'm over thinking 

    That's because the video is pretty awful which is a shame because the song is beautiful. Trust me, I'm not the only one saying this.

    She got better criticism for her homemade leaked video of "Hope is a dangerous...."


  11. 1 hour ago, Whore of Tropico said:

    "why are these twinks always begging for that weak ass/boring ass 'Yes to Heaven' song to be in every album i have to make? I cant comprehend it" — LDR being confused every era (since Ultra)


      Reveal hidden contents

    ...and we still have to stream YTH thru "unreleased playlist/google drive collection/youtube" today.


    Especially when they already have like 10 versions of that song already. lol

  12. 6 hours ago, pierre said:

    arcadia must be the most boring song i’ve ever heard the whole year. cE6XIeh.jpg 

    You know what I found boring? The music video. But that's okay because for me the song is pretty good. It's nice to hear her actually sing after all the whispering she did in her last album.

    I don't know who directed the music video. It's just.....yikes. Then Lana flipping the bird not once but twice... lol


  13. 21 minutes ago, Pale Fire said:

    kind of wild to think that she’s including some of her best unreleased on this album but at the same time…. So many unreleased songs we’ve heard, 4 singles we’ll have heard by the time it releases too + Dealer…..hmmmm :noparty:

    im still excited though.

    Don't be too thrilled. Remember what she did to Next Best American Record. Changing the lyrics was a huge mistake and killed the song for me. I pray to god she doesn't change anything on Thunder or Cherry Blossom.

    On the positive note, all the album covers artwork released today are actually nice. They're all beautiful in their individual ways but my favorite is the original one that was first released, so that's the one I'm getting.

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