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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. On 6/6/2021 at 6:33 PM, paradisetropico said:

    ok so not to be in the drama but I bet Rob is here for Chucks baby birth, y'all think Patty gonna be flying in later this week or here already??? ?

    Chuck has no issues with her mother so I assume Patty will be there. Why not? That's her grandchild for god sakes. Lana needs to leave the drama out at least for that day.

  2. On 6/6/2021 at 8:20 PM, BluebirdXO said:

    Her face looks different. Did she had a facelift or it's just the filler?

    Her face has changed since she started pumping fillers into her face. That started around 2015. I blame living in LA for all that. They literally have botox parties over there like it's nothing.

  3. 2 hours ago, Yosemite said:

    Can’t believe she had this but chose THAT


    That would have been an awesome cover without the texts all over it. I don't know what possessed her to choose those fonts letters for this era.

    23 hours ago, brandon said:

    Looks like it’ll be leaking :toofloppy: I just wanna know if there’s a booklet w more pics from the photoshoot inside :wub:


    And Lyrics.

  4. 1 hour ago, Kommander said:


    Yeah right, especially considering how ambiguous and subdued the song is, with its mixture of happiness and paranoid anguish... But I have learned that video-wise she's not always the most subtle, compared to how she expresses herself in her music or her taste in photography.

    At least she made an effort with the Chemtrail music video. The video doesn't match the song but I'm here for Wolf Lana. Better then her following butterflies or whatever else she did that Chuck filmed.  lol


  5. On 6/3/2021 at 5:52 AM, shady said:


    Agree to disagree. It's cute how she's down to earth on social media unlike the Kardashians for example who are a pure facade. However, she's ruining her mysterious, intriguing persona that made her stand out in the first place and that fans of BTD-HN love. Her social media presence also tarnished her career and non fans labeled her as a racist, Karen and a republican because of her poor choice of words and inability to defend herself properly. I think fans would appreciate more if instead of posting "Question of the culture" she would express that through music in a rebellious way. 


    Tarnish her career? Are you serious? She can boil live kittens on her Instagram and she will still sell and stream well. If the ridiculous 'Question for the Culture' essay, 300 double down Instagram comments from her or all the double downs videos she posted didn't destroy her career, nothing will. She's fine. However had Lana been Latina or black, her career would be done and over 5 mins after posting the 'Culture' essay.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lustformoney said:

    Stop lying to yourself:sideeye: this selfie is the worst visual she ever released, even cocc cover is better, the fact she changed all of her Sm to this shit... The embarassment

    I agree 100%. I think she knows 99.98% of her fans base hates it, so she's doubling down and using it as a cover 3 times. Just like she doubled down 3 times with the Question to the Culture mess.

    A real management team and a label who cared would have stepped in by now and stop her from making these ugly covers, but like I said before, the label doesn't care and Ben and Ed just want to get paid. It's the sad reality.

  7. 18 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    I am really sick of her namedropping people in her songs, especially after today

    It's okay to do in moderation but enough is enough

    I get that it's hEr LiFe but Jesus, Chuck and Jen and Nikki and Charlie and Joni and Joan and whoever else do not need to be mentioned in every song ever

    Less is more. She does it so much that it is not lyrically impactful at all because it's just a mish-mash of names

    There's a reason the CD booklet usually has a page for acknowledgements and she should use it


    And Courtney. You forgot Court almost burning her house down. lol


    I agree btw. 


    I hope she doesn't recycle the "no more candle in the wind" line again. :usrs:

  8. On 5/20/2021 at 11:14 PM, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Yeah I mean he is the supportive parent as far as social media goes. That was missing today, and I just hope there's nothing too deep about it, ya know?

    It made me feel a little bad for her so I am now going to go and say nice things on Twitter :agree:


    It's awkward because that's Rob's wife and no matter where Lana's rage lies, that is her mother. Rob didn't support Lana's mother's day rant either. I don't know if Chuck hates Patty now too but she use to post a lot of beautiful things about her mother on her birthday and mothers days on instagram. 

    It's sad because Patty's going to have her first grandchild soon and God knows if she will be able to see the baby. Imagine Patty being banned from seeing her grandchild because of Lana's anger. What does Rob do? Stand by his daughter or stand by his wife? How do you choose? It's sad. :dorothy3:

  9. She knows that people will buy anything she releases so why bother to do interviews, photoshoots or promote? She can make her farts into an album and it will still go crazy and buy it. Look how incredibly well Chemtrails sold on vinyl despite the God awful cover. No new real photo shoot or major interviews except Mojo and RS in Europe. 

    She knows she doesn't have to do anything. The most work she's done this era is make all those hideous single album covers. :toofloppy:

  10. 18 minutes ago, kitschesque said:

    Text Book is for all my besties with undiagnosed SEVERE daddy issues. We finally have a proper dad song :krylie:

    Also is this lyric about Pat and her influence of Lana too?

    "And then there was the issue of her / I didn't even like myself, or love the life I had"

    What the hell happened in the Grant household?? I mean things seem to be ok between Lana and Pat then all of a sudden....

    Then there's Chuck's beautiful posts about her mom every mother's day and birthday on Instagram then all of a sudden stopped around 2018.

    The pics of mother and daughter were always so sweet. Seriously what happened?




    Since these new songs have heavy lyrics that seem to be about her mother, that's why I bring it up.

  11. I wish Lana would put her lyrics in her album booklets like she did with BTD. Sad she doesn't do that anymore. We'll never really know what some of the words she said in some of her songs like this one.

    This song is my favorite. It's really beautiful.


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