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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 2 minutes ago, hornymoon said:

    The vocal delivery in WW is so fucking good where on earth were these vocals for Cocc and nfr??? like she finally sung like her old self again and it was so engaging it carried the song even though it was another piano ballad, Textbook's instrumental was really interesting it reminds me of Summer Wine

    That's what I just said! She's finally really singing! What an improvement.

  2. 1 minute ago, gatadelrey said:

    In bb she mentions Jenny, I’m assuming that’s her friend Jen? Also mentions handing her a beer? Aren’t they both sober? 

    She name drops her entire squad on BB...watch her put them all the album cover again.

  3. 3 minutes ago, lemonadetan said:

    twitter is dragging her for the blm mention :toofloppy: not this

    Which song does she mention? I'm home listening right now. Haven't heard the reference.

  4. 13 minutes ago, HeadBitch said:


    ...Did she really disown Patty THAT hard? Did Rob have a side piece we never knew about?

    Is Patty even biological mother at this point? Did Chuck or Charlie acknowledge her for any of the last 12+ years for Mother's Day?

    Talking about filling gaps...she probably meant some wholes of quicksand, cuz this story's getting deeper every next song.



    Damn. She refers to Patty as "his wife" that's cold. What happened? Lana was all good hanging out with Patty over the years. She meets these new women at that Church and It went 180.

  5. I like this era so much. So far all the songs are great and the videos are cool.


    1 hour ago, ConstableReggie said:



    okay but this is such a serve! Can anybody with more talent than me add the Marina logo and ADIAML so I can use this as the album cover :defeated:

    Picsart has a bunch of Marina stickers with her name logo done. They are actually nice. Nothing like Lana's mess. lol

  6. 1 hour ago, Lindsay Lohan said:

    I really do think this is one of her all time worst written songs next to Let Me L*ve You Like A Woman


    It's not as bad as LMLYLAW but it's so empty compared to her other songs 

    It's one of the most boring over hyped overrrated songs LB's kept begging for.

    Boring and underwhelming and for sure her worst song. So boooring.

    Wild At Heart is better. Chemtrails and Love You like a Woman is better. Tulsa is beautiful too.

    Don't listen to what others say to you btw. You're entitled to your opinion just like I do. Put them on ignore.

  7. On 5/5/2021 at 1:29 PM, EXODUS said:

    see me in your bad trip
    all you want is to trap me
    eeny, meeny drip drip
    stupid boys they need me
    all my sisters queer queer
    feeding off your fear fear
    patriarchy rip rip
    you are made from my rib
    i cum on your face like pow pow
    you know your place wow wow
    taking what's mine now now
    no i'm taking it back wow wow
    matriarchy runs the state
    we are here to dominate
    matriarchy runs the state
    we are here to dominate


    I'm sorry Marina for what they did to your amazing song... I just can't with how stupid the whole verse is, it's like if a centennial ultra hardcore fake feminist (the ones that hate men and care about power and not bein equal) wrote this.


    Edit: I really can't believe so many fans are enjoying the song as I can see on the youtube video comments and likes.

    I hate remixes or crude lyrics about cumming if people's faces.



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