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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 1 hour ago, blackestday89 said:

    Now let's get down to the facts.  honeymoon is her best album title. it has the best title track, the best cover and is her best album overall. It also contains her best song ("The Blackest Day") how does she want to top it?  But at least she has succeeded in something like this before, so why not another stroke of genius.  I think the direction is clear now, away from this country and folk thing, more to melodramatic songs, intense, dreamy, rocky. More the old Hollywood vibe again.  I think with Mike she has the right one at her side.  And when I hear again that it should be more personal and honest and authentic and stripped back, then I go crazy. You can be honest and authentic even with a lot of instruments.

    In your opinion.

    Yes, the album name (Honeymoon)is gorgeous, but the songs for the most part were way too boring for me. Too slow. The demo's were so much better.

    Her best albums for me will always be the trinity: Born To Die, Ultraviolence and NFR.


  2. 9 minutes ago, sjatib said:

     Wtf... The album is by no means her best one, but how could this one debut at 92 while L+F did at 5?

    I don't understand it either. How could this album done so badly. It's her best since Froot. :poordat:

    5 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:


    I think that the delay with the vinyl and CDs messed with her numbers. Her medium fanbase is now a little older, so we buy and stream less than we did years ago


    It's not about streaming, it's about actual sales. Cds didn't have any issues but I think vinyls did. A lot of people got their cds days before the offial release. 

  3. On 6/24/2021 at 10:17 PM, Doll Harlow said:

    I know most of y'all don't like him but Fantano finally reviewed a whole Marina album. He gave ADIAML a 6. 

    Fuck Fantano. He gives low ratings for females artists all the time. He did Fiona so dirty with "Fetch the boltcutters" who care what he thinks?

  4. Why are people hyped up about "Dealer" so much. She said it's a track of her screaming. I personally want to hear her sing a beautiful song. Not screaming. Imagine a ridiculous screaming track taking over space from a gorgeous song like Thunder?

    Remember how everyone was so hyped up about Yosemite and it turned out to be a really boring song.

    And people can kiss my ass if they don't like what I say about Yosemite.






  5. 39 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:

    So... Britney is still in the custody of her c-ship till her next hearing or she's going to have protection?



    Asking because they can coerce or even cause her a mental breakdown till July 14th

    Or worst.

  6. So happy Britney spoken out.


    Her father is a fucking monster who belongs in prison for years of abuse and stealing her money.

    The fact that she has an IUD inside her that she can't remove without his say so is disgusting. Every woman in this planet should have control over her body. Not her fucking father. How he has gotten away with this for 13 years is fucked up. I wouldn't be surprised if he paid some of these judges under the table for years to get his way. I hope this female judge isn't bought off with money and finally frees Britney of all this abuse.



  7. 16 hours ago, anwdelrey said:

    The cheek filler is getting out of hand :( I’ll never understand why celebrities feel the need to ruin their faces with filler. It’s even weirder because she dropped the false eyelashes and heavy makeup. I don’t get it.

    She really pumped those filler in before her birthday party. lol

  8. 16 hours ago, ADDICTEDTOLANA said:

    Charlie is so hot omg… 

    No he's not. He's a mess as well as the stuff he posts on his IG. That boy must be high all day. lol


    23 hours ago, BluebirdXO said:


    Chuck used to always post about Patty and comment things like "I love you mommy" when Rob posted pics of her mother. She started to get distant online around 2018 I guess. 


    She have all the right to raise her kid far from her mother if she's toxic. It wouldn't be healthy for the baby or for Chuck if Patty is really problematic 


      Hide contents

    When Candance and Lana started to hang out anyone knows?


    Chuck stopped posting about her mom when Lana did. Other then that, Chuck was crazy about her mom, even posting pics of her calling her mother "foxy" and stuff. It was really sweet and cute. Rob use to post pics of himself with his wife Patty as well. Now he cuts his own wife out of the photos in order to not piss Lana off. That brought controversy so he basically just posts solo pics. When it comes to Patty, everyone walks on eggshells. You don't have to actually be there to tell what's going on. 

    Rob is still married to Patty so as evil as Patty is, he hasn't divorced her. lol


  9. 29 minutes ago, vrtvie said:

    There still is no proof for that. :biblio: But yeah, they're not hanging out as much as they used to. Doesn't necessarily mean they don't like each other anymore.

    She was following Lana on Instagram and Twitter and as soon as the "Culture" thing happened, she unfollowed Lana. I saw it myself as well as tons of other fans, so yes there's actual proof. lol

    Ariana unfollowed too.

    That thing she wrote and the doubling down comments and videos were gross. Turned off so many people.

  10. 18 hours ago, EXODUS said:

    Marina: "I'm answering the most pressing + provocative fan questions :creep:

    Fan: *mentions Lana :smokes:*

    Marina: "I don't wanna talk about it :biblio:

    Marina + Fan: *awkward silence*

    Did this happen for real?

  11. 4 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    If she releases Thunder in LDR8 we could have some more rock bops on the album :hype:

    My only fear is that she somehow reworks it into an acoustic track :eek3:

    Lets pray Jack stays the hell away from this new album then. He mellowed "California" on NFR. It was a heavier version she did with those artic monkey guys. The original version of "California" need to leak already. Freaking ridiculous.

  12. 1 hour ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    I often wonder what Pattie thinks

    For the sake of the new baby coming, I hope Pattie and Lana can put their issues aside. Get some counseling, see a therapists, but leave the drama out. Chuck should be able to see her own mother and so does the baby that's coming. If Lana is going to have a tantrum when she's near her mother, maybe they both should visit Chuck and the baby at different times.

  13. 1 minute ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:


    Honestly tho we got two good albums after LFL. if that means we have to get a bad album every few albums thats fine, because the ones after will be better i'm convinced 


    (tbh i hope we get the original version of the album someday though.... like boz should reveal what the original tracklist was after the album comes out)


    He's proven himself reputable though


  14. 38 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    why can’t boz give us the infos about the scrapped stuff now? it’s not coming out either way so i don’t see why he can’t spill now? i hate his ass TELL US SOMETHING NON-CONFUSING FOR ONCE :crying2:

    Maybe because their full of shit?

    Anyone can pretend they have inside info online. That's why I never believe people like that.

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