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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 1 minute ago, Barry said:


    In the UK anyone who likes the Royal Family is a Tory/American Republican type. Posts like that makes people think "oh no is she one of them".


    Meanwhile I see nothing but wonderful things about the royals all over my TV news and I live in NYC. I don't get all this. Other celebrities posted photos of Prince Philip and the Queen and I don't see people going crazy about it or wanting to cancel them.

    Make it make sense.

  2. 5 hours ago, BluebirdXO said:


    So it is every 1st world/developed country ruler...


    But I understand why people are offended by this

    I don't see why people are so offended either. Trump is a worst person and he was our freaking president! This is ridiculous.

    I understand being pissed at Lana's 'Culture essay' and rebuttal videos (which was very problematic) but this right here with the royals is the stupidest reason to get mad at her for. lol

    If she survived the whole Question to the Culture fuckery, she'll be fine with this controversy.

  3. 6 hours ago, BluebirdXO said:

    Off topic, I'm going to erase later


    Barrie's stories are scaring me. He's drunk, his mother is in the hospital and he's pissed because he can't do a live???


    God bless him and burn his phone, because no one should see him in that state

    He's been drunk a few times on his live. It seems when his girlfriend isn't around, he lets lose. I hope he's ok. What happened to his mother?

  4. 5 hours ago, Venice said:


    Same here! Never again... :(


    Anyway yeah, according to Barrie: "She couldn't say it to my face," he said, "but there's no bad blood between us. Looking back, it probably wasn't easy living with me. I'm an insomniac and I have depression. I understand why she did it."

    I'm the same Barrie. We're not easy people. :(

    As for Clay, Lana's probably found new Texas peen. She doesn't know how to be single for too long.

    She's probably dating a Texan sheriff. I hope to god she is! lol



  5. 12 hours ago, RormanNockwell said:

    I don't understand why some people here think we all have to act like we're in mourning, though? 

    He's some dude who was in a terrible boy band with his brothers and he has even removed the BLM link from his profile now that he's no longer with her, which I'm sure we can all agree is rather interesting. 

    Sis will get over it and find someone better. 


    ETA: apparently he also deleted his Twitter apology re: his racist remarks and unliked comments from people who gave him links about BLM or something, although I've not personally verified. Strange. 

    She probably already has new peen in Texas. She'll be fine. lol



  6. On 4/1/2021 at 12:36 PM, Dyl said:

    Not to mention the zine she wants to do for every single. And we’ve yet to see the first one… 3 months after the submission date 

    Ya'll need to calm down and let Marina do her thing. 3 months is nothing compare to waiting 8 or 9 years for a new Sky or Fiona album.


  7. On 3/29/2021 at 6:45 PM, Mrs Puff said:

    Heroin is the best song of her career and maybe my fav song of all time. I will never forget the first time I heard the bass drop in the chorus  :lange:


    Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I just needed to share it 

    It's fucking hot hot.


  8. 1 hour ago, gasstationkween said:

    Why does everyone want her back with Barry he seemed toxic af 

    Why would Barrie want Lana back? He's very happy with his life and girlfriend in Ireland. He's a really sweet guy.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Harvie Weinstinez said:

    people (including myself, I’m people) were really attached to the image of Marina and The Diamonds up until FROOT which was that of a very cheeky, messy but lovable, shady at times, very talented singer songwriter who made fun of youth culture while at the same time partaking in it and curated her project with the utmost precision from the sound to the visuals to the songs everything 


    L+F was a HUGE paradigm shift cause she dropped EVERYTHING she had been doing and did a 180 turn on us

    No more interesting visuals, no more curated tracklist (she admitted putting together the album after it was already over and coming up with the concept of love + fear last minute which immensely backfired), no more interesting songs (literally nobody outside of the stans remembers Love + Fear or a song on the album), the production is very lacking, boring and generic and the humour is gone


    now you CAN and should like the song if you want!!! I’m not here to tell anybody what to like and what not to like


    BUT I think it’s impossible not to acknowledge that a huge part of Marina’s artistry was gone with L+F, and basically everybody noticed that. The reviews all say it’s underwhelming and fans alike are not particularly amazed by it. In fact she went as far as to fire her own manager, which was on maternity leave cause she had just had a baby, cause the album underperformed and she wasn’t pleased.


    also I think it’s very interesting and it speaks to what actually Marina feels about the album that not even a year after L+F was released she completely dropped the ball while FROOT as an era lasted for well over 3 years, and the same goes for EH (TFJ had a much shorter run but she wasn’t known back then so it’s part of the reason why)


    but anyway i really suggest you check out her earlier work cause it’s objectively better musically speaking 


    EDIT: i do wanna stress LIKE LOVE + FEAR IF YOU WANT!!! I am well past “hating” on it I just answered a question that I feel particularly 


  10. 2 hours ago, californianfreak said:

    This is probably an unpopular opinion but I think it is brilliant Marina doesn't look at her mentions! Even thought she probably gets thousands of positive mentions for every negative, I personally just don't think it's worth reading them if she knows it is not gonna do her mental health any good. I am happy to hear she is taking care of herself! :flutter:

    I seen some of the stuff people tweet @ Marina. It's mostly vulgar and gross. I don't blame her for not reading them. Good for her.

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