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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 12 hours ago, prettywhenimhigh said:


    me too, sis, me too :agree:

    love annoys the shit out of me :delicious:

    I hate Love too.

    2 hours ago, anwdelrey said:

    She needs to drop the Joni act and go back to doing dream-pop/psychedelic music. I need more Venice Bitches, Cruel Worlds/Shades of Cool type songs for the summer. 

    Yes to all this. I'm not amused with this Joni hippie folk shit.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Thunder Corpse said:

    Not really anything new in this one.

    A lot of boring banter ("have you ever seen a ghost?" "what's your favourite Elvis-era?" "do you have a recurring dream?" "what's your most precious posession?") and the usual whining about how  fame did not treat her well, how people have a misconception of her feeling attacked without a reason etc etc.

    Concerning the album, there is no information we did not have so far. She talks about the story behind "Dark But Just A Game" again, mentions how the weird vocals on "White Dress" were not something she planned but happened when she was goofing around with Jack in the studio. We've heard it before.

    The rest is descriptive stuff about her career, her work so far and how the new album sounds. Plus the unavoidable paragraph on the controversy about "Question for the Culture"


  3. 3 hours ago, Fart Deco said:


    Oh thank you, that sucks... I mean, I get deleting inactive users, but active accounts? Maybe it’s a big or smth 

    It's okay. It sucks but I'll just have to make another account just to follow my favorite pages. That's what I basically had it for all these years. I feel bad for people who have thousands of pictures and followers who are losing their pages.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Fart Deco said:

    Uhm did she lose like 100k followers on ig? I swear she was at 18,8m but I may be wrong :eartha2:

    Instagram is going on a rapid rampage of deleting accounts. I lost my account today for no reason. I had that account since 2016. My friend lost her account yesterday. Something is up.

    On the bright side, Cherry Blossom. I hope she's officially releasing it.

  5. 2 hours ago, RormanNockwell said:

    Many of the people criticising her are POC. We, as white people, don't get to dismiss their feelings or her remarks on the basis of her good intentions. 

    A great place to hear what black people think about Lana is on Lipstick Alley and Pop Justice. The babies crying on here about negative comments towards Lana wouldn't last 5 mins in any of the Lana threads on those two sites. People have been doxxed on Lipstick Alley for pissing off the wrong person. lol

    Lana is one of the most hated people on LSA right next to Trump. Black people for the most part just don't like Lana after the Culture bullshit. I wonder what Byron thinks of all this. He probably thinks she's ignorant but says nothing in order to keep working. Shit, I don't think even her own father and siblings say anything because they are terrified of her freezing them out just like she's done with Patty.

    To make her situation worst, she named Beyonce in that stupid essay of hers. I won't even get into what the Bey-Hive think about her.


  6. 2 hours ago, Poor Stacy said:


    Do you know who you stan? Seriously asking

    I stan myself and only myself.

    I assume you're too young to understand.

    Once you reach an age, you just enjoy the music, but defend the person who sings my favorite songs? Nope. Teenagers do that, not grown ass people.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Ultra Violet said:

    Underrated comment. 


    Lana is actually being completely stupid drawing attention to this. 

    All of these "lies" spread by journalists have all come after lana has started speaking up about it past backlash because she is terrible at making herself understood on social media (I mean, who isn't, but she is particularly bad at it).

    I really miss the 2012 days when Lana said she wouldn't respond to haters at all and stopped reading reviews. She needs to understand soon that it's making things worse and it was in fact better when she didn't retaliate. 

    Remember that one time Lana denied over and over again on twitter that she never said she wanted to die at 27 (or something?) and said something about Kurt (?) and then she accused journalist of lying and making it all up. She doubled down even then. The journalist turned around and posted the audio of the interview where Lana clearly said all that stuff. She looked like a liar in front of the world. She didn't post for weeks after that. lol

  8. 11 hours ago, princessdollie said:

     I listened to the whole podcast because I was curious she seems super unbothered about everything. She probably is recording since she said she was but I doubt she’s in any rush to release anything - especially with no/ very little label involvement. I feel like because they’re not making her turn in an album (since she implied they haven't even heard it) then it’s probably gonna be reworked over and over again until finally her label force her to put something out. I don’t think they’re betting on her anymore though. That being said it’s so confusing because they were acting like it was coming with all the pitchfork stuff around downhill lullaby. So fucking weird? I feel like that’s why this conversation is even still happening because there’s nothing to compare her situation to so we’re all just super confused. 

    If her label doesn't want her then they should just let her go. I don't understand why they are doing this? Didn't she pay to record NTMT anyway?

  9. 4 hours ago, NewportBitch said:

    Lana’s “best friend” is Chuck when all is said and done. And Chuck is much more socially conscious, so I hope Chuck levels things with her. 


    On her Instagram Live for the chemtrails promo, she mentioned that she made a lot of “personal strides” in the past year. She never reveals a lot so I’m hoping that these strides aren’t like her poetry book but also some introspection. In a way, if Lana stays in her lane of “white girl sad music,” it will be ok. 

    Never gonna happen. Lana will freeze Chuck out of her life exactly the same way she does to her own mother. If she did it to her mother, she'll have no problem doing it to her own sister. Then she'll tweet about it too.

  10. 10 hours ago, Fetish said:

    Because they're obviously not real friends. They're her token nonwhite friends. All my extremely close friends, and I've seen this in other multiracial friend groups, talk about race and all that shit very freely. True friendship gives an extremely comfortable amount of freedom that would be horrifyingly uncomfortable for 3rd parties unaccustomed to it who witness it. (idk how to phrase this properly) Good friends want to educate you but in a very shitposty 'i love you but you're dumb as shit' way. I can't explain it. I shitpost racial tropes with my friends all the time. Taking the piss out of life while letting your friends know backhandedly you're aware of the particular racism they face.

    I think Lana is that one white friend we've all had that feigns this fake wokeness so they seem 'sensitive' and 'compassionate'  but you wouldn't trust the bitch when the revolution came. But most woke women do this, they're somehow always dating the type of person they proclaim to hate. 'I hate straight white men' but their bf is the straightest whitest man you've ever seen in your life on top of having the matching personality.

    Back in 2012, did she not have any friends that were like 'Lana, you can't play dress-up with Native American clothing because you painted houses one time at a reservation.' And donating money to them doesn't change anything. White people are always paying folk to let them be racist towards them lmao. 'I'll give you thousands of dollars, let me call you the n word in my funny skit or my pretentious film.' I guess it's better than just racism huh.

    (Bonus: her 'im not racist, my best friends are rappers' has the same energy as Biden's 'poor kids are just as smart as white kids' Why are they like this lol)

    I love Lana's music but boy, is she unbelievably mediocre as a person. Being average is fine but she's convinced she's running with the wolves. ?

    Yeah, sadly she is unbelievably mediocre as a person.

    I wonder why her friendship with Jamie, Marina and that "skirts and suits" girl ended so abruptly? And before people say Skirts and Suits moved, so what. Look at her IG. She travels a lot. She can fly to Lana and vise versa a weekend. But nothing. Marina lives close to Lana in LA. She stopped following her on IG and dropped her after the culture letter.

    I bet you more then half of the people on that ugly album cover will be gone within 3 years. Lets see how long Zella and Natalie last.

    Lets see how long Zella and Natalie last. These two girls are the best of friends now and working on music together. Natalie appeared on Zella's newest music video.

  11. 5 minutes ago, ultrarescent said:

    She deserves it. She is a vulture journalist. Did you even bother reading her article or are you getting a boner from talking crap about Lana? Iman will play the victim of course but whatever pays her bills I guess.  

    I read her article. It's as stupid as the others ones published for the past 10 years. What else is new?

    No one deserves to have their life threatened by a bunch of stans or told to go back to "India and die on the plane on the way there" as someone posted earlier.

    Anyway, I said what I said and if people have a problem, just block me.


  12. 1 minute ago, Anthony said:


    Whoever threatened the journalist with death is this "fucking idiot". Although it is somewhat unnecessary to bring all this back months later (She could take revenge in another way, silently), it's still her right to express herself about something that bothers her. And let's face it, the media is used to hitting her and she doesn't fight back. But it looks like that has changed. In addition, the journalist had the attitude of publishing that text - bad, at best - and it seems that she hinted that maybe she would publish another of the same style, hours ago. So she also has to deal with this and with a possible response from Lana. ??‍♂️

    The people threatening that journalist are fucking monsters, not idiots. Lana is the idiot.

    Hopefully this lady reports this to the police again. I don't know the outcome the first time around but lets see what happens.

  13. 2 hours ago, RormanNockwell said:

    The author of that Harper's article is on Twitter talking smack

    I feel like this isn't going to end well



    Mixed that with receiving death threats again for the same article.

    I feel like Lana is the biggest troll on the planet. Every time she's going to release something new she does something stupid like this.


  14. 10 hours ago, Elle said:

    "Just want to say thank you again for the kind articles like this one and for reminding me that my career was built on cultural appropriation and glamorizing domestic abuse. I will continue to challenge those thoughts on my next record on June 1st titled Rock Candy Sweet"


    Yikes! This isn't in her story anymore so she must have deleted it.

    Lana's a fucking idiot.

  15. That Haarper's thing is almost 2 months old. The author got death threats from Lana stans back in January when it was published. Why is Lana bringing this old ass article to light two months later? Now this poor woman is going to have her life disrupted again because Lana decided to rant and get "revenge" on her instagram.

    Just when her album was released.

    What a fucking idiot.

    You never see stupid shit like this with Florence, Fiona, Beyonce or Marina.

    Why? Why now?


  16. 19 hours ago, Jim raised me up said:

    How on earth can you actually break your arm skating when you have a body double doing the skating for you?

    She probably thought she can do it herself and when she messed her arm, they hired this model to do it all.

    Apparently (according to legend) Lana use to be a figure skater growing up so she thought she can do it again but with skates.

    1 hour ago, ShadesOfViolence said:

    I did not like Chemtrails album at all. She could do sooo much better

    It's sooooooooooooo boring.

    I'm on first listen so maybe a few more times I might like something. I didn't like Honeymoon either and after a few years, I like a total of 3 songs from it. lol

  17. 11 hours ago, barttttender said:

    yeh the video is meh. It will get like 3 million views. Gone are the days of BTD and UV videography. But it dont matter cuz the song is GOLD.

    no let me love you was way worse. Shot in her car and edited on imovie in an hour

    That was suppose to be a real video? I thought it was something she had as a BTS kinda thing. lol

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