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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 2 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    I think she wants to interact and stuff, but I also think she's super sensitive and goes to pieces when people criticise her.

    She was evidently extremely upset by the reaction to QftC and also to that Annie Mac interview. In both follow up videos, she looked like she'd been crying.

    So I guess she's just trying to find that balance rn. 

    Sometimes I think she'd be better off being like Lorde. Just go off and live her life and then come back when she releases an album. 

    Informative and well-thought out emails from her like the ones Lorde sends would be better than impulsive IG posts and tweets - for her AND us

    She's on socials all the time but somehow manages to tell us absolutely nothing. I'd rather get an email of actual substance every 3 months or so, personally

    I love what Lorde does. You sign up on her page and she writes a beautiful 5,000 word essay with pics and such when she wants to say something. She has an official IG page but she hasn't updated that in years. I agree that that way is much better. I wish Lana would do that.

    Then there's Bat For Lashes (Natasha Khan) who has a Patreon page to share her moodboards, videos, tarot readings, collages, rare music and hand written letters. She has an IG too.

    I prefer Lana not posting anything on IG or Twitter at all, then posting some of the ridiculous stuff she posts like things about her friends or her brother running around in a monster mask.

  2. 4 hours ago, CinnamonGay said:


    Yes but 3-4 stories  per day  EVERYDAY is getting tiring ...


    When people keep throwing stuff in your face you tend to move away and start hating it

    Dua is doing the work and receiving well deserved awards (Grammys, Billboards, ect) and I would be showing that shit off on IG everyday. Ben has to be so proud that his client is so successful, selling albums, big stream numbers and winning awards. Poor man can't do shit for Lana anymore then he already does. Lana is stubborn, lazy and does nothing to help her own career. She doesn't even try with album covers or singles anymore. Ben probably put his hands up when he saw those hideous picsart singles covers. She's going to be stubborn and double down about her ~artistic picsart work, so why bother? If she doesn't want to do the work anymore why should Ben? She doesn't even promote her new songs or do photo shoots. She posts shit about her friends when she should be promoting her new songs. No one gives a shit about her friends birthday or her friends babies or her friends farts, yet that's what she posts. lol

    Lana doesn't want to work but she still has Ben as a manager. What can Ben do but collect his coins?

    I don't even like Ben. He's a drama queen but I understand why he's so proud of Dua. Good. Show her off.

  3. 5 hours ago, Venice Peach said:

    It wasn't my fave either but in his defense we only got like 10 photos of Lana (in like 2 sets) and also he's the man that did the photoshoots for UV, HM and LFL (and countless magazine shoots) so he's still an icon to me. Just because his last work wasn't that amazing (subjectively and compared to his other work) doesn't mean that he can't deliver anymore. I'd be happy if he came back for BB. 
    For me Neil is in the same category as Rick and Emile, they just work so well with Lana and get the best of her :crying4:

    The Chemtrails era photos Neil took weren't awful. There was something off. I didn't like what Lana was wearing or the hairstyle/color. I wonder if different hair/style/clothes could have made it all better. I love the way Chuck, Weyes and Zella came out in those Neil's pics. It's weird.

  4. 11 hours ago, expandableclitoris said:

    does anyone knows if that bikini picture is indeed the album cover

    The coochie pic? It is the album cover. lol

  5. 6 hours ago, TJFreak said:

    LMLYLAW was a better lead single...


    I’m sorry :nails:


    That song and video Lorde just released is as awful as "Orange Trees" by Marina. Lana's videos aren't as great as they use to be but the songs are always beautiful even if it's repetitive.

    One thing I do like is the cover of Lorde new album. It's different and cool but that's it.

    George Michael estate are gonna go after her fir sure. lol


  6. 2 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:

    Y'all writing bibles again :trisha:

    We need to bring the celebrating , the fun, the gorgeous cover arts, the mindblowing theories & the craziness back :oprah3:


    LANA PUTA DO SOMETHING!! This thread is about to die :crying2:


    There's nothing to celebrate. There's no update, confirmations, new interviews or new photos. There's only ugly single's covers that were released with 3 beautiful new songs. It's criminal what Lana does. lol

  7. 20 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:


    LORD the way some of y’all seriously lack comprehension issues literally WHERE did i ask her to do 2010-2014 btd stuff again??? all we’re asking for is for an artist to at least make a post to say “hi i dropped some music check it out" or do a performance, give a correct date without lying 6 times? giving concrete info and not some vague "idk when it’s coming hihi" every 3 months? how is that "toxic" to expect an artist to at least do the bare minimum lmao? like how do you wanna be excited for a release when the artist herself doesn’t even pretend to give a shit? some of y’all actually need to get out of this woman’s ass and stop excusing anything she says and does. and if you’re fine with it cool but stop preaching the same thing to anyone who isn’t. yes she has obligations towards everyone around her, wether you or her want it or not. the music industry is a business and this is her job, any job has obligations. if she doesn’t wanna do it she can become a baker or go live in the woods. again it’s not toxic to discuss such things (and it’d be cool to be finally able to do so without a bunch of cupcakes going "oMg sO tOxIC itS nOt 2012 aNyMoRE"). thank you. 

    There's a lot of snowflacks on here. I should know. I have half of the people of this thread on ignore who have had a nervous breakdown for the mere mention of Lana's fillers, horrible album covers and her goddamn laziness.

    These snowflakes take it personal and then attack you. I was even mocked here last year when I spoke about my brother dying from a cardiac arrest for being overweight. None of those people were banned.

    Just saying.



  8. 5 minutes ago, Honeyyoung said:

    so you calling this tacky? oh honey...


    She's beautiful on here but the hair...horrible. One of you who knows how to photo shop should make her hair brown in this pic and see what I mean.

    There is just something about those bleach stripes on her hair that raises my blood pressure. A rich beautiful girl like Lana should not do that to her hair.


  9. 25 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    exactly the joni mitchell wannabe “i occasionally sleep in the woods" canyon girl cosplay has been going on for long enough. :tanisha:

    what’s even wrong with wanting a well thought out, eventful era with concerts, live performances, clear info, great photoshoots and most importantly someone who at least PRETENDS to somewhat care about her art. 

    and i agree the fact random people with a smartphone, an online thread and stalker tendencies like us come up with better ideas, concepts, covers and designs than a whole modern "pop star" with a huge record label on her side is just beyond me. like at this point just hire someone from here and we’ll do half your work for you…for free (:dua:). 

    Honey this isn't 2010-2014 LDR. I agree with you but all that stuff you expect from a new album era is dead and gone. Lana didn't even do a real photo shoot for the COCC era. And no, being photographed by her amateurish photographer sister doesn't count. I mean a real photographer and shoot. Because no one dares to say anything to Lana, she's going to keep doing what she's doing, which is nothing. lol

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