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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 10 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    I find it really funny for some reason

    I think because it embodies how she does absolutely everything. Chaotic, unplanned, and indecisive

    People can try to stansplain it all they want but it just seems so bizarre

    I'm surprised she hasn't opened it and then gotten distracted and forgotten to close it for 4 days or something

    Lana's been bizarre since she lost the Grammy to Billie. :heidi:

  2. 1 - That dog has seen things in his short life. 


    2 - Jack is back. 


    3 - Lana is the only person I seen looks gorgeous lying back. She needs to make a professional album cover with that pose. 


    4 - That album cover with the wolf should have been the OFFICIAL album cover for Chemtrails (but in color). Gorgeous photo! 



  3. 1 hour ago, Thunder Revenant said:

    I know people around here act as if it was super cewl n edgy and a sign of advanced artistry, but that's just what happens if you don't do nothing beyond the album itself.

    Most indie artists with a much smaller target-audience put more effort into their promotion, and it's not like music videos, performancea and photoshoots are just marketing - it's also a way to artistically express urself.


    Lana herself used to absolutely rule this aspect of visual artistry, no matter if it was about big budget stuff like Blue Jeans or her homemade videos during ger Lizzie-era. 

    Now most she does in this department seems  uninspired and halfassed. Noone but fans who force themselves to like it care for content like the BB-mv, that NFR/B/HIAB thing or the LMLYLAW performance. 


    I'm not saying she should force herself to do something she doesn't want to, but it's not suprising that the attention for her output sinks when she obviously doesn't care.


    And that decay of visual quality is not "niche". Lana just does not care about it anymore. It's fine, but let's not overglamourize it. A lot of small "niche" artists who really want to create something beautiful to accompany their music manage to do with a much lower budget. Because they actually burn for it. Lana is past that point, and with both herself and her fanbase taking her way too serious, she now does things like the BB-video or the CoCC-cover.


    I forgave her laziness for several days when I saw the BB album cover with her dogs. It's really a beautiful album cover. But I agree 100% with what you said. Her visuals are pretty awful now and I even fear looking at her music videos in case it ruins the song with me. For example, Arcadia video 1. That cringy video ruined the song for me. I'm a very visual person. Then version 2 came out and it was better. COCC is a disaster. Not even the Neil Krug album cover does anything for me.


    I think if I was Lana's manager I would have thrown myself in front of a truck. I don't have patience for laziness and poor visuals. 


    Ben must have the patience of a saint. 



  4. 23 hours ago, athena said:

    Those are the real HQ images.


    No there not. 


    22 hours ago, TextBook said:

    These 2 photos were took on film for sure. You can clearly see the green “filter”. I don’t think HQ versions exist 


    It doesn't exists until Neil posts it himself which I'm hoping. :w8ing:

  5. On 11/10/2021 at 8:20 AM, Thunder Revenant said:

    Blue Banisters would have made a much bigger impact if it wasn't for that halfassed CoCC release earlier that year.


    I totally agree. But with Tulsa, Wild at Heart being included on Blue Banisters too, with better production. :true:

    Chemtrails is such a waste. She could have gotten away with it better had it been a 5 song EP. 

  6. 19 hours ago, athena said:
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    if the images look "low quality" its because they were shot with film cameras not digital



    These are the two I want and the ones you posted are not HQ. It's the same blurrish pics going around for weeks. I want the legit HQ directly from Neil just like he did 2 days ago. Look at the quality of the ones he posted on tumblr. Those would be the real HQ photos. Thanks anyway. :wub:

  7. 4 minutes ago, sjatib said:


    One of the most uninspired songs she's ever come with, imo. Sounds as if somebody forced her to write and record something that sounded rockish at first hour in the morning when she wasn't still fully awake.


    If it had more instruments in it with Dan Aubach producing, the song could be better.


    I like California but I always said it leaves you flat. There's something missing. Even Ajay on Youtube said something similar.


    The best part of the song for me is Lana's vocals in the chorus. :eartha2:

  8. Good Ones came on the loud speaker at the Forever 21 I went to today. I swear my old ass started singing along with the tweens who were shopping there. No shame. I loved it. 


    Off Topic: Forever 21 use to have some cool clothes back in the day. Good God everything I saw there today was awful. Not even the jewelry. 



  9. 17 hours ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Ya’ll acting like it’s a good thing Halsey has released albums..her contrived try hard  music never needed to be released.


    Most people have never heard of Halsey which is hilarious for all the ass kissing she gets from Capitol. 


    But anyway, I hope Sky goes Indie. Major labels are doing nothing for her. This is beyond sad now. 8 years is ridiculous. 



  10. 18 hours ago, PeroxidePrincess said:

    What are those constant Halsey references about :eyeroll2:

    I get it, there have been some animosities between the two (???) but NTMT has a much larger impact and so will Masochism in 2030 and that's on periodt :smokes:


    They are both on the same label that's why I mention that skag. 

  11. 21 hours ago, shady said:


    I feel like the homegirl is too broke to release vinyl. Also I assume it will have a reasonable shipping price only for US and Canada. 


    Didn't she pay for the production of the first album with modeling gigs? If Capitol won't support her they need to drop her so she can release her work on Bandcamp. This entire thing is sad. I read that Capitol wasted almost 5 million dollars on Halsey's last album, "If I Can't Have love...." hiring Trent Reznor to produce it and make a film. Once again, another Halsey album that flopped and barely sold. The only album she's ever sold well is Badlands and her biggest solo hit is Without Me. So Capitol are willing to throw away money on Halsey albums but give Sky no type of support. This should be criminal.

    On 10/30/2021 at 3:29 PM, Vulture said:


    Watch her release an EP in March with

    1. Guardian

    2. Legends

    3. I Pray For Rain

    4. Down Hill Lullaby 

    5. new song


    I take anything at this point. 

  12. 16 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Totally true. But I guess that with a smaller number of fans, there aren’t that many bad comments, especially since she created that account in 2014 (the fans that got in back then are probably still fans today). Another thing that must be liberating, about posting on the HM account, is that I don’t think there is any major publication that are in, unlike her Lana one, where they would publish everything she posted. 
    anyways, I think she got back to what she initially wanted with her HM account: to let us in a bit on her world, sharing whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She seems very free and happy these days, and I love it (i don’t think she ever posted that frequently on her other account). 


    The press can easily follow fan accounts to get the news. I know what you mean though. 

  13. 2 hours ago, athena said:
    1. boys for pele
    2. little earthquakes
    3. under the pink
    4. to venus and back
    5. choirgirl
    6. scarlets walk
    7. native invader
    8. unrepentant geraldines
    9. ocean to ocean
    10. strange little girls
    11. abnormally attracted to sin
    12. the beekeeper
    13. american doll posse
    14. night of hunters
    15. midwinter graces


    My goodness so many albums! My favorite are Choirgirl Hotel and Scarlett's Walk. My mom got me a casette tape of Choirgirl when it first came out. That was before the Alzheimer's so that album is special to me. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, drugmunny said:

    i didn't even think ab thatttt. and she was JUST talking about being stalked by paparazzi


    Well...lets be honest here. Lana calls the paps to promote her stuff. I don't really believe the story about the paps following her that day when she was trying to get to that pop out thing at the pier for BB. How in the world are they going to know where Lana is? Or what hotel? You got bigger stars then Lana who get around LA without being pap. I think she just didn't feel like going out that day and that's fine. Going face to face with some of her fans is scary and Sean isn't around to tell them to fuck off. 


    Adele and Beyonce have homes in the same area. They both shop at Target and get around LA without pap's following them. 


    God knows if that's how Lana's fans found her today.


    "Take a left to Van Nuys....." 





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