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Posts posted by bluefiona

  1. 3 hours ago, robertenglandgrant said:

    I have a feeling this outfit is from something to do with this. When she posted with Rob on insta there was a golf cart in the background, and we've seen her use those before for shoots. Plus the stripes kind of go with Taylor's aesthetic for this era




    This outfit is tragic. It's something a 11 year old would wear. :thumb3:


    Lana and Taylor doing a song together is a great thing. Taylor has always been a big defender of Lana's, so why not.

  2. 13 hours ago, shady said:


    I mean that's messy but if she can change her songs a little and release them as an indie artist I don't see a problem. It's not like she was a huge international star when Capitol did their job. She received the almost same recognition indie artists do and she was more of an internet celebrity than a traditional. I'm not Sky, but I think that being an indie artist who performs at small venues and is in control of her career is much more fulfilling than what she does, which is standing in the same spot for years. In this case Don't Forget was a one step forward but she didn't move since then. Like I said, it's very easy to go viral on Tiktok. Her millennial brain should really take advantage of it. 


    She's stagnant. How sad is her situation. :xcry:


    Maybe she should have "given" into Capitol and tweek things to their liking like Halsey and Katy Perry do. This way her music is released. 

  3. On 9/25/2022 at 1:06 PM, colaandvideogames said:

    Not this slime posting screenshots on Instagram from Lanaboards and calling out this site for being a stalker/not caring about Lana’s privacy 💀 and now Ben is watching his stories.


    I don’t get it. We’ve seen Lana tell security to stop before when she wanted to talk or be around a fan. She didn’t do that for him. Because she simply did not want to have a conversation, yet he kept pushing towards her. She sounded scared and honestly I hope if he tries to message her and apologize that she stops being so nice. This whole thing sickens me 


    He always does that. Comes to Lanaboards, screen shoots and talks shit. He was busted for being the lunatic that he is and now he's having a tandrum. 

  4. Just saw this on FB. So because Mike follows him, that means he's his friend. 


    See the damage of following him does without repercussions for his bizaare actions? He think Lana, Ed and Mike are his friends and agree with his crazy self. :facepalm:





    4 minutes ago, i talk to jesus said:

    is this the same fan that sean (the cop) had told to leave lana alone? or was that another stalker fan? i am surprised & disappointed lana's managers do not seem to take this seriously. she should bring those big german shepherds around everywhere with her.


    Yes. Sean confronted him at a Grammy party and Ricky cowered away from Sean. Sean literally towers him. All that talk he does on instagram and he cowered from Sean. Lana didn't stop Sean from confronting him either. lol

  5. 1 hour ago, baddisease said:


    they aren't, but they aren't always mutually inclusive either.


    why doesn't she just get a restraining order?


    She's waiting for this psychopath to break into her house and steal stuff. So far he drives by her house every night and stands in front of it. He follows her to church. He hasn't crossed over to jumping the fence/gates and wandering in her garden. That's when she puts the restraining order. I think she should do it ASAP and not wait until he snaps. 

  6. 18 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    I already showed him and that's when he followed him

    And I already told Churchome LA

    I also love how he is trying to somehow say Honeymouns is as bad (or worse) than he is? As if online trolling is anywhere near as bad as stalking and intimidating someone.

    And I talk to Mr Mouns sometimes and he is a nice boy now


    I missed that. What is he saying about Honeymouns?


    Honeymouns doesn't stalk Lana's home or follows her to a church. He just leaks photos and unreleased old songs. That's harmless. 

    12 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Apparently Ed has followed him for a few months (I mistakenly thought he followed him today) and @Deadly Cruel Girl said she told Ben about him ages ago so they've both know for ages and have done nothing

    How reassuring


    Terrible at protecting their artist. :dorothy3:

  7. 16 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Ed just followed him so I hope he yells

    And I think maybe Lana has nfi it's the same guy or she does, and is too afraid that unfollowing might make him escalate



    That video says it all. 


    Lana doesn't want anything to do with him. She stands behind the security guy and her friend stands in front of her saying "no" repeatedly. Lana says be careful then security tells her to get in the car. If she wanted to have a conversation with this psychopath she would have told her friend and security to stop and let him talk to her. 


    He probably jumped into his car and followed her home. I wouldn't be shocked. This has already escalated. Her privacy has been violeted over and over again by fans. The poor woman is going to need to move from that house. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, Mer said:

    If a loved one died and your first instinct is to seek solace in a woman you’ve never met, you should probably get help. 


    I lost a lot of family members over the years, including my mother in January of this year. The last thing I thought about was Lana. Not to be cruel but Lana was not on my mind. What was on my mind was my mom, how many years she suffered with alzheimers, how much in debt will I be with funeral services, can I afford her cremation, and will I make enough for rent? I even stopped coming to this site for a while because of grief and I didn't have it in me. 


    Dat1guitarguy is a disturbed individual and I have been yelling about this on this forum for years now. 


    I don't want Lana to end up like Christina or Selena. 





  9. 12 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Don't quote me but is he the person who also put on his story ages ago about attending the congregation because she was there?

    And/or had an IG with all pictures of her car's numberplate? (<-- if anyone remembers this and knows the @, please lmk)


    He is so sick he videotaped and sent several Lana fans on DM videos of him driving by her house and standing in front of her home. I guess he wanted to showoff that he knew where she lived to other Lana fans. Those videos ended up being shared around which is how I saw them and told Ben. I'm no longer on instagram and shut down my page after I told Ben what was going on. 


    Ed following him is fine but Lana following him is making him think they are close and good friends. That's why he was trying to grab onto her in that new video in Churchome. "you know me"....


    She needs to unfollow him ASAP so he can stop thinking they are BFF's. He refers to Robert as his father in law for christ sakes! 

  10. Why are people hiding his instagram name here? We all know who he is so does Lana, Ben, her family and even Sean who confronted him at the Grammy's party. 




    Jesus Christ, how many of us sent Lana and Ben messages about Ricky (Dat1guitarguy) stalking her??????


    How he loves to boasts to people on instagram that he drives by Lana's HOME EVERY NIGHT AFTER WORK?

    That he goes to Churchhome and sits there the whole night watching Lana when he sees her drive by there. The guy knows her every move because he knows where she lives. He even stands in front of her home for hours peering into her garden. He boasts about all this crazy shit for years and gets reported to Lana and her people and they still do nothing. Look how he stalked her to Churchome again. He probably was parked across the street from her home and followed her there. Again. 


    Thank god her security was there. What would have happened if he wasn't there? That girl who was with Lana also tried to protect her. 


    She needs to stop being nice to everyone. Unfollow this psychopath, put a restraining order and cut him out compleletly. If she doesn't she's going to end up dead in the hands of a fanatic like Selena and Christina Grimmie. 


    His Tik Tok is still opened. 






  11. 2022 has been the year of deaths. I lost my mom in January. Ronnie Specter dies. Nichelle Nicoles. Olivie Newton John and all 4 of my guinea pigs died. They were all 7 years old. Old age. 


    Now the queen who I share my birthday with. May she be at peace. I shed a few tears at work today. :cryney2:



  12. On 8/20/2022 at 2:13 PM, Elle said:

    Here’s the new picture for those who don’t follow her on IG since no one else has posted it yet! She’s soooo beautiful x




    This should be the album cover. :gclap:

    On 8/20/2022 at 10:14 AM, prettywhenimhigh said:


    ew NOT him


    It's sickening how she entertains one of her biggest stalkers online. :dorothy3:

  13. On 8/4/2022 at 8:12 PM, Elle said:

    She’s so stunning I can’t -



    I love the fact that Lana's boobs fall and sag naturally like the rest of us. I hate seeing ladies with tits so perky that their nipples pokes their chins. 



  14. On 7/27/2022 at 1:24 AM, lizzyology said:

    Remember when he got this: 




    Or the strangers from Twitter waiting for Lana outside of a funeral service 


    Sean sent that to Dat1guitarguy. And it's true. Sean was there at the Clive party and when Dat1guitarguy saw him he cowered and looked down. Big mouth on instagram but a creepy wuss in real life. 


    Sean was such a badass. 

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