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About trailertrash

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  1. LOL why are they suggesting that Tessa DiPietro is one of Lana's 'personas'? Isn't she a local medium?
  2. I'm look to buy 2 GA tickets. PM me if your selling :-)
  3. I kind of agree...I think its my least favorite song on the album.
  4. I just want to say before the flood of positive acclaim for this album comes out... Don't forget that these are the same publications who publicly crucified her at the start of her career. She was so discouraged after Paradise that she vowed to never make music again. The acclaim is well deserved and long overdue.
  5. I think the Honeymoon videos are the most cohesive since they all have the same recycled footage of the swimming girls
  6. "You were so obsessed with writing the next best Amerikan record 
You did it all for fame
 You did it all for fame
" Does anyone else feel like B A R is So Legit 2.0
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