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Everything posted by maysparkle

  1. I’ve been listening to Holocene (Zella Day and Weyes Blood) a lot lately and I realllllllly wish Lana would come out with a song like that, production-wise. I love the psychedelic early 70s vibe, and their voices. Lana would sound lovely on a track like that. Or, alternatively, just give us songs like Shades of Cool! Manifesting.
  2. I saw her at Berkeley when she performed with Leonard Cohen’s son, Adam, and they had amazing chemistry together. Their voices worked very well also!
  3. One of her best songs IMO. That whole album is so special.
  4. Everything this!! She also gave us a taste of this with the Pawn Shop Blues video, so gorgeous...imagining an album now where she collaborates with Air. I would love a vibe like that, so moody and mysterious and nostalgic. This is right up her alley and I wish she’d tap into it ❤️
  5. Maybe we will get her version of Erotica by Madonna?? That would be hot. RCS is already giving me strong Madonna vibes (Hard Candy). Her behavior this past year has also reminded me a lot of early 90s Madonna and Courtney Love. Those women were never afraid to be sexual and outspoken about it when it was still considered more “taboo” in those times. They all knew how to keep things interesting and still make good music. I’m here for it tbh!!
  6. Woah, fuck yeah about her new insta post. She never stops delivering for us
  7. I’ve listened to the album like 100 times now (maybe not actually, but a lot!!) and I have to say that all of the tracks stand out. To me, it’s perfect. Today, the melodies from White Dress and Breaking Up Slowly are in my head. This whole album is a treat for the ears. I connected instantly and honestly the last time that happened was with Honeymoon. Don’t get me wrong, all her albums are great. But I kept waiting for THAT FEELING and I got it!! I feel like we already knew most of the songs for NFR, that album to me just felt like a compilation of snippets. I like going into her albums without knowing what I’m getting into, with a little mystery, and the snippets really kept me from enjoying 100 percent. It took the magic away for me. Anyway, rant over!! So interesting to read everyones’ take on this album, it seems divided among the fans this time around.
  8. Weyes Blood sounds a lot like Joni on For Free. Her voice is fucking powerful and amazing, like damn!!
  9. I’m really hearing the Joni Mitchell and Mazzy Star/Hope Sandoval and the Warn Inventions influence on CoCC. What a treasure to listen to, so delicate and lovely ❤️
  10. I can post again because I finally remembered my username and password because my boyfriend was using this iPad for two years...anyway I am anxiously awaiting release day. Bought all the physical copies of things I could. Kinda jealous everyone’s already heard COTCC but I’m hoping I’ll enjoy it better on release day because it will sound better (have had bad experience with shitty leaks). I hope I love it.
  11. maysparkle


    I love that hook on Bomb (Peter). Miami Garden Club was perfect but I kinda dig the new sound she’s going for with this album.
  12. It goes on fucking FOREVER. She is literally obsessed and psychotic.
  13. Azealia posted a long ass story on Instagram about Lana. She’s fucking obsessed. She just won’t stop. And, she’s racist.
  14. I love it! It sounded so much better than “babes on tour lyfe” crap. I actually got emotional. God, I hope not.
  15. LFL is my least favorite album but I find myself listening to it the most. I fell asleep to it last night. The others I have to be in a more depressed/introspective mood. I listened to Honeymoon the other day when it rained and it was magical. Ultraviolence reminds me of my own abusive relationship so I have to be careful when I revisit it. I still think it’s her best. I do prefer AKA over Born To Die, which I find odd, but I just love the surf noir feeling of that album. I dunno, I love anything Lana does. Looking forward to NFR.
  16. But yeah, How To Disappear had me showing my mom going, “Look how beautiful she is!!! Listen to her voice! I love her!!” My mom was like, “lol, I know you love her.” For the record, I’m 31, I just live with my mom at the moment. I’m always shoving Lana in her face and I think she’s become a fan. I’m so excited for NFR it’s not even funny.
  17. I love Melody Gardot, she’s amazing and has a gorgeous voice.
  18. I wasn’t sure about Venice Bitch on first listen, but fell in love by second listen. Now I’ve listened to it like 50 times and I’m starting to get sick of it, so I’m just pulling out her unreleased stuff to tide me over. I haven’t played a Lana song this much since West Coast. I wasn’t expecting much from Antanoff, so I’m extremely pleasantly surprised. Lana is so damn versatile.
  19. Enough with the features; especially Marina. Their voices don’t even go together.
  20. I don’t know, I feel like the production is all over the place. I’ll keep listening. It’s just hard to hear her voice over everything.
  21. Thanks, it’s awful. I keep trying to get through one minute at a time. Plastic surgery is no joke!
  22. I just got a nose job on Tuesday and have been in so much pain. Hearing that Lana is releasing new music next week is giving me hope that I can get though this hell recovery. I’m so excited!!
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