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Everything posted by maysparkle

  1. Thank you, I truly appreciate you! ☺️ Her music means so much to so many people. I hope she realizes it!!
  2. Beautifully said. I definitely ageee with you that it taught us all to live differently and seek out a connection that we may not have had before with others. Everything feels different now, to me. But Lana’s music has always helped me process the current times. When I first heard UV in 2014, it fueled my relationship with my therapist but somehow in a way that felt ok. I felt I was on fire and so high. And now, after all that loss, listening to music like The Grants and the title track are showing me that things are going to be fine, even if they didn’t turn out like I ever would have anticipated. She was right, when she said people were learning to live with each other, even during the negative times with the rise of domestic violence. It may not have ended well for everyone but some used the pandemic as a way to gain their own independence from a relationship or learned how to love again. It forced connection that was both necessary and also destructive. We’ve all changed from it. Sorry, I’m emotional and I hope what I said makes any sort of sense. I couldn’t say it as eloquently as you just did! ❤️
  3. Thank you ♥️ it’s been hell. I know I should see a new therapist to process what happened to me with my other therapist but I don’t have the courage right now to do it. There’s just so much to talk about and it’s still so heavy on my heart.
  4. Lmao, as a Jew, I can relate!! 😂 growing up, my Christian friends would always tell me I’m going to hell and I was always like ?????
  5. Man I really am tempted to do the same! I’m sitting here at work cursing my whole life right now. Glad the BBC radio thing is happening today or else I would just lose it!!!
  6. BOZ should know by now how traumatized we all are from the words “surprise” and “soon.” 😖
  7. Oh man I wish I had the money for Bose headphones.. I’m sure they sound amazing! My Soundcore ones are fine, but I always wonder how higher quality ones would be, especially listening to a Lana album!
  8. I requested the day off work for the best listening experience possible. Possibly a drink or an edible. Maybe a nice car ride if I’m sober.
  9. Wow there’s a lot of people online here right now considering nothing is happening
  10. Lol honestly I don’t know. He’s been a complete asshole lately and I want out but… gotta afford those bills. Lord knows I don’t make enough money on my own!! What’s that phrase, “it’s cheaper to keep her?” I’m pathetic. This new album is like the only thing I’m even remotely looking forward to in life right now, good lord
  11. I already regret listening to the three that came out. My bf told me I could die before the album releases and to just listen to them but I do feel my initial listening experience was ruined ☹️
  12. maysparkle

    Miley Cyrus

    Also I thought there would be more upbeat tracks like Flowers. They are mostly ballads
  13. maysparkle

    Miley Cyrus

    So far I’m finding this Miley album to be pretty bland. Not sure why we couldn’t have just had Ocean Blvd tonight. I’ve noticed Pitchfork has always given Miley terrible reviews, wonder if they’ll do the same for this new one.
  14. maysparkle

    Tori Amos

    What is everyone’s fave Tori album? Mine is Scarlet’s Walk followed by close tie of Choirgirl Hotel and Little Earthquakes. Sorry if this topic has been done to death. I’m not that familiar with her stuff from 2009 on. Not sure why, but her earlier records just hit different.
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