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Everything posted by maysparkle

  1. Totally agree. A month wait even for an overseas magazine is pretty ridiculous.
  2. I forget, did you order through the site, or somewhere else?
  3. Never received my rolling stone magazine.. not sure what’s up with that
  4. I’ve tried so hard to get into Melanie Martinez, and I just can’t. Not sure what it is, but neither her music or aesthetic appeal to me. 😣 the visuals for her latest album…. Like no thanks, I’m good.
  5. Agreed. He hates everything anyway. I’ll just play the album by myself and enjoy it by myself.
  6. I did, all my own money. He’s always afraid if I don’t save enough that we will one day be out on the streets, but why is it always my responsibility? I saved money specifically FOR the album release!!
  7. My bf said this is like her worst album and that she put no efforts into her lyrics this time around. I’m like….????? Hello?? Fingertips? Kintsugi?? I think he just doesn’t get it. His favorites seem to be NFR and Born to Die, and he also likes LFL and HM. He said the only good song on Tunnel is Let the Light In. Idk… he was upset when he heard I bought like four different vinyl variations. Funny how this is the same guy who, years ago in 2019, held up the phone to record the show seeing Lana at the Greek Theatre when my wrists got tired. Totally supportive. Now he could take her or leave her. I guess the QFTC made him wary. Whatever. I still like this album so that’s all that matters to me. Relationships suck yo
  8. maysparkle

    Melanie Martinez

    I haven’t listened to Melanie Martinez since like 2015 and I thought her album was just ok. And then the one after that with K12 was like… super childish? I just couldn’t get into it? Should I try this new one out? I know a lot of people here are fans.
  9. Listening again but this time on my Amazon pink vinyl and I really do love the two interludes. They really set a mood. I love how experimental she was with this record.
  10. So why does she censor “mother” (I haven’t seen my mother in a long long time) in Fingertips but not A&W?
  11. Finally got my Amazon vinyl today. And my picture disc. Just waiting on my target vinyl and the white one. I cancelled the standard to save some money for my moving costs. My target CD came in yesterday, and waiting on a couple more variants of the cds and a cassette. Really sad I have to wait for the necklace, pill case and black hoodie. Still waiting on my damn Rolling Stone mag.
  12. I love Bread and that whole vibe. I can hear it, definitely why Let the Light In is my favorite track right now.
  13. I think I got the regular color cover. Very strange. Let me know if you ever hear anything from them. Ah, newsstand must have been the way to go. I ordered directly from the rolling stone uk site, probably a mistake
  14. I ordered the rolling stone interview (uk) and never got a shipping notification. Does anybody know when I’m supposed to receive it? I’m in the states
  15. Same, it was the first signed anything I’d ever ordered from her… I was devastated when it was cancelled
  16. Hi, I have an audio technica but can’t use it due to needing a receiver and speakers. Do you know of any good ones? Right now I’m listening to stuff on my victrola but it doesn’t sound that good because the speakers are built in.
  17. Same. I feel like a lot of people dislike Sweet, but it’s just so beautiful to me.
  18. Those two ideas, I would literally die (David Lynch and Kevin Parker). My dream collabs with her. That and more Dan Auerbach
  19. Imagining an album like Melody’s Echo Chamber and her first record…the one she did with Kevin Parker. That would be amazing.
  20. Right? Feels like a song right at home with UV or Paradise, but still feels so fresh. I’m so obsessed with it. Would love another darker sounding album from her, though Ocean Blvd had plenty of that for now. I love it
  21. I agree. I liked when Taylor did that with Midnights, all we knew were the track names. It’s nice to hear an album in full on first listen without any prior knowledge of the singles.
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