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Everything posted by salvatore

  1. Winehouse- Me & Mr. Jones // A Song For You Skeeter Davis- End Of The World Beatles- Strawberry Fields Forever Kanye West- Hold My Liquor // Reborn Frank Ocean- Futura Free // Pyramids Lana Del Rey- Yosemite // Venice Bitch don't @ me on the last one .
  2. go back to sleep you don't even know what thread you're in
  4. If you can't realize the beauty of Change came at the end of the filth being shoved into LfL you never deserved to hold that singular gram of taste that you do.
  5. She technically finished the first version of the record in January. She openly said Lennon kinda finalized the record when he added his instrumentation to TNC; once the album rollout got pushed back and the release date changed from May to July due to the leaks & probable request we lost 2-4 political tracks, Architecture, and Yosemite. She added in CWIMM, Cherry, Change, Summer Bummer, White Mustang, and IMF into early June. Yosemite was on the record until the days before the tracklist was required to be sent to Interscope
  6. it was actually at her spotify sponsored release party, not ameoba. she had her hair in a bun and I think @@Elle 's tweet went semi-viral as it is also the night she made the letter G in her hands when singing a part of a In My Feelings
  7. she is,,,,,,magnificent i'll stop blending pills and fragrant oils into a smoothie when my God collapses the horizon and materializes into it's true form as it cascades into crystalized blossoms thanks
  8. what if you were defenseless? o' how great is our God in Lana's name Yosemite mister blocked moon
  9. that took 5 minutes of a stream of consciousness not everybody takes 15-20minutes to write a single sentence drag like you Terrence
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