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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. They're both 3:44. Hmmm?
  2. Okay I get it, I still have The Other Foot snippet that leaked like a year ago, but we don't have the full version, right?
  3. Wait I'm seeing on Tumblr that there was two versions. I downloaded one just before it was taken down... i had to go get damn Starbucks. Can somebody PM me both if there is two?
  4. IT'S MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS & CHARLI XCX You can still download it from Charli's Soundcloud.
  6. The friend I was going with is no longer my friend. Now idek who's going with me.
  7. Two-part question- In the chorus of Grins, does it say 'let my car run out' or 'i'm not coming out' and 'no one lives forever' or 'no one lasts forever'?
  8. This is really wonderful with loud ass speakers. http://www.mediafire.com/?cmhjlwwd9e2yy99
  9. its aac buts its a vbr though. so yeah it's probably not real.
  10. The person that sent me it said it was the HQ version.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrlXYGPvLM0
  12. Just download it twice and do whatever you wish with it.
  13. 'Feel Myself' is Verbs material. She probably leaked it just to see how her fans would react.
  14. nobody's even mentioned those songs in like forever, lmao how are we pretending?
  15. Take My Hand Grins How Can I You're The One Stay Away I think.
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill, I'm listening to the demo at high volume, just for you!
  17. Not to come off as rude, but at one point we all had to go search around for her music. I spent hours searching for higher quality versions of songs that I already had, and I'm sure a lot of others did to, so I suggest start Googling.
  18. I just completely stopped listening to the demo when the album came out. So, I didn't even compare them.
  19. Take My Hand is my favorite on the album, yes.
  20. Given how much I love Grins, I'd be totally fine with another collab.
  21. How Can I and You're The One are in my top 5!
  22. Charlie I cant even really picture how that would sound.
  23. I think Black Roses is the weakest on the album.
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