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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. I cut it up shortly after I downloaded that mixtape, and I kept So Far Away, Champagne Coast, and I just downloaded Grins from Blood Diamonds' Soundcloud. She only had like one verse in the other songs, so I just deleted them.
  2. I'm actually really unorganized with all her posted tracks, i.e. Wires, Valentine, I'll Never Know, ect.
  3. Yeah, I have the first sampler, but I thought they were speaking of another You demo 'cause the first one is so shitty.
  4. That's what i'm saying, people would've pointed it out if there was.
  5. That there is a 3rd sampler.
  6. Hm, I figured the hardcore stans would've pointed this out.
  7. I thought there was only two samplers.
  8. I know! A few weeks ago, after like the 70th time I listened to it I was like does she thug? But I was like nahhh. I got all the words right in Charli's rap in Cloud Aura and So Far Away tho!!!
  9. I've never seen this?
  10. So Charli updated her website! http://www.charlixcxmusic.com
  11. How Can I is in my top 5.
  12. On her Instagram a few months ago, she said it would release July 14th or somewhere around there
  13. I feel so stupid. Anyway, I'm sure there's many Charli tracks I haven't heard.
  14. There is so much I haven't heard. I'm such a flop stan.
  15. Click on 'more images'.
  16. The fifth one, when she's in the fairy costume or whatever. She looks so little, it's pretty iconic in my opinion.
  17. http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=4486889
  18. I wonder what her set will be like. Like I went to see Marina last year and MS MR only performed like three songs.
  19. May tenth. And if by 'artistic' you mean like fine painting or something, then no.
  20. What would be a good gift for Charli? Like I was gonna make her a bracelet that said XRATEDCUNTXRATED but she tweeted that so many fans gave her chocolate and bracelets so that's kinda meh now.
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