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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. so happy to see her fighting alongside Wong ahhhhhhh
  2. that mini era was such a serve. always down for more poetry and it aligns w letting bb simmer some more it's perfect
  3. Got me on repeat got me on repeat got me on repeat got me on repeat
  4. too busy listening to crash
  5. i've been thinking about this but when it comes to apology songs, feb 2017 sounds a lot more sincere than sorry if i hurt you/ feb 2017 > sorry if i hurt you
  6. back to our crash scheduled streaming
  7. to be a bit more sincere rn just a moment but it's been a while since i got excited for any kind of pop music so it's real refreshing, this album's such an energy battery it's amazing thank ya miss xbox ok back to streaming n dancing
  8. take that l i guess stream constant repeat
  9. it's actually ironic cus when ur hypersensitive to a lot u'd actually not want to be bc it can be annoying or just worrisome when u end up being right. like imagine being a telepath these days it'd just be a headache/ or u won't need to read anyone's minds bc it's already somehow apparent
  10. we're all given different gifts it's up to us to acknowledge and hone them. me and lana shooting psywaves at everyone rn
  11. I wanna be bold and say yes. Maybe the right word is more like spiritual and intuitive water signs represent
  12. my brain literally waiting for me to stream crash for the n-teenth time
  14. I actually like lovey dovey stuff but hold on lemme get into character YUCK actin all lovey dovey on me why ya do that why ya do that why ya do that YUCK Why ya do that why ya do that why ya do that YUCK
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