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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Yes mysterious movie queen
  2. I feel like if she were to tease a release of the album too soon, fanfare for a few days, then resentment and boredom after. so she's probably thinking, maybe after coachella, sometime during if optimistic.
  3. Henry come on needs a zero gravity music video
  4. Title. Add a step in, what's a song, or music, that you feel, you should be playing right now? Have you been delaying the listen? For certain reasons? Or maybe you might've overplayed them? What seems like THEE song that fits the part of your own world right now? Lately I've been trying to fit in a lot of stuff, and making good use of my time, and this song feels like a good kind of unwinding to listen to: "I don't think of myself as special, but I like to live my life colorful and bold." Discuss.
  5. for whatever reason, I think of Wait For Life as something country
  6. and even though I know you'll shine on your own, I'll be your protector ~
  7. Whenever I open this thread w/o anything happening in it the nectar of the gods intro plays in my mind
  8. when u discover the subdued beauty that is ii hands ii heaven. just- better than the love vibes from XO and Love Drought. so good.
  9. I'm so happy this album exists. it's completely different, but works so well. I can tell that the reception's sorta on the quieter side, but the quality's just undeniable. the vocals, the sounds. you'd think it was some kind of disconnected thing, but it's seamless, and it makes me feel so proud for her. breaking barriers. and in such a beautiful, poised way too.
  10. it's got this rhapsodic energy about it that's like a gentle lifting energy w riiverdance and ii hands ii heaven. it's got it's own atmosphere
  11. Two hands to heaven- I pray priest forgive my soul- lovely daggers kiss my heart many moons ago- toxic roses chased by wolves and carnivores- lost virgins with broken wings that will regrow
  12. ii hands ii heaven just makes it. it's so peaceful. that switch mark around 3:27~ just so good >>>> "Baby, I've been waiting, my whole life, for you and I" absolute love anthem.
  13. I'm usually not invested in watching music videos, but is she releasing a film for this album still? was that ever a thing?
  14. First off, I’m happy that she didn’t mention trucks and beer. To my knowledge anyway first listen, stand outs imo: Spaghetti - love how it sounds like a movie trailer first and then smooths out Riverdance is an incredibly beautiful song. The piano’s soft support at the start just makes it this kind of soft beauty. Something about it ii hands ii heaven. An uplifting song, this and Riverdance remind me of how I felt listening to XO. Sweet honey buckin. That expected Beyonce energy that you might be looking for in the album’s found here just for fun is a nice song to unwind to. Very easygoing, but in a really, simple and perfect kind of way Ya Ya’s great. That deep tone. So good I know it’s a beautiful record overall, despite my overall avoidance of country music but it's beautifully crafted. Some songs are kinda lost in me in just the pacing(?) of it or the overall country styling of it. Glad Miley’s on it, Most Wanted’s a nice heartfelt collab. American Requiem’s an elegant song to open the album with. Bodyguard’s a nice listen, but I have a feeling I’ll be liking it the more I listen to it. Jolene’s outro livens up the song Daughter’s solid. I’ll be listening to it more, but heaven, riverdance, buckin and just for fun on repeat for a while first. Was waiting for that fire. Might be the 27 songs or so, and I know this is probably supposed to be an album listen, but I personally feel a bit indifferent to the overall genre and it’s sound. I know my opinion’ll flesh out when I take a more mindful listen, but the songs above are what make it for me outright. I do appreciate her making something that we’ll have to digest over a longer period of time, instead of something that just feels flat. I think we need more of that when it comes to listening to music. To really savor and enjoy it slowly.
  15. still reveling at this performance
  16. Title. No form to it, more so about wanting to contextualize an outfit or look, based off of a Lana Del Rey song. maybe even by albums. To start, what does Bel Air look like to you as an outfit/ look? (Hair. outfit, nails. accessories. shoes makeup etc. for either/ any gender) Discuss
  17. so when can we buy the cowboy cover? I'm thinking of getting one of the beyince covers too
  18. i didn't realize that the website was down til like today, and the first thing that i thought about, actually thought about- was the beyonce thread and the cover. so. that being said. yes this thread's awfully dehydrated. i've ideas: - visuals in the ways of the MGM lion for a music video, except, have it read "LDR" with her swinging thru the circle for a music video moment. - we'll need transition scenes for some kind of cowboy visual, bc why dabble in a newer genre and not jump into it full on, so yes. album trailer. transition scenes can be the circle rings of the actual lasso. camp. visually consistent. helps move the visuals along, aside from horses etc. - please reference the soft yellow from the blue banisters era. it could symbolize being the same person, but still acknowledging growth. maybe a soft yellow part of a cowboy getup. - cactus flowers somehow - would love a saloon moment - merch: - cowboy spurs shoes. - bandanas, handkerchiefs. with a nice embroidery of LDR. subtle. still wearable without looking to costume-y. hire a gay Lana, they'll put in more effort - star shaped pins, sim. to a sheriff etc. not too gaudy, but in a kitsch kinda way - please bring back a heart shaped locket. maybe like 13 songs. - she can go for the campy route. cute. tongue in cheek a bit. - country rock blues. - the legend route, timeless. - wondering what the temperature of the bop anthem's gonna be like. - a song that really blends with the weather. we're already expecting cowboys, so why not aliens too so. feeling 13 songs. an album visual, and I want to say a short film. some kind of razzle dazzle some kind of dive bar performance string shows live tv performances to really christen the era maybe have some song for a film to feel things out first. we need more fashion moments. if there's anything else, even better. from an lb member that's awfully bored but felt the need to contribute somehow.
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