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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Saw her live, she was amazing. Antoine- wherever tf u are- still amazing *cymbals******
  2. I- I actually made like at least 3 meaningful pink to pyschedelic color vinyl posts in this thread, I'm too lazy to rummage thru it rn but. Depends on the shade of it hunty
  3. Define ur own typa cool, guys. Bc that's what's really cool. The vinyl being pink? Holy shit. COOL
  4. I- I need the title track. Where r u hun
  5. ^ I almost forgot there was a Honeymoon trailer. It's been so fucking long
  6. Ngl it's insanely quiet rn. Doesn't even feel real. Wtf Fucking SWEET RELIEF amirite
  7. While singing IYC and the HiaB bridge? I'm fucking LAUGHING omfg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. I mean for me, not really gonna take a day off or something, but Idk, closure and just being able to plan out how I'm gonna listen to the record for the first time a week before would be greaaaaaat. Love planning mini self-adventures. It's been so fucking long.
  9. Wanted to make a dick appointment joke but this tweet wasnt even real gahaa ah
  10. Honestly the combination of excitement nd disbelief's intoxicating what kind of cocktaiiil
  11. ^ I think those were just Change lyrics, it's coming in hotly ~
  12. Hm. Like I know I shit post here a lot, bc who doesn't love color nd chaos but. We've a few weeks til the 8th month in the year (toty my a**), and she'll probably just have to say something at least, around August, second week of is my guess. That's the only pattern we've really easily seen her keep this era. and besides, would you really want Lana to give us any news the day of when kween Peppa graces us with Bing Bong Zoo tmrw? It'd totally eclipse everything and steal her thunder. Fuuuutile letsgetreal
  13. Took u long enough to share this GOSPEL ya'll know what 2 stream
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