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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. This time around I think so too yeah.. she dropped two tracks around Sept last year, whispers hope on her insta link, and now just posts festival pics on it w/out a mere sentence behind them. Gucci's all we got, and none of it seems concrete. Sharing those snippets must've been the mercy we're all still waiting for then
  2. Brooklyn Baby, songs to watch physical-right-in-front-of-u sports to?
  3. I was hoping u wouldn't say that. Immediately pulled my attention back to how she just labelled one of her posts Norman Fucking Rockwell after the HiaB video snippet. Is it coming sooner than we think if that's true.. it'd be a good thing if we knew anything concrete. I'd actually be legit surprised if she didn't at least post something mediocre in effort really towards the record. The song's have been pretty pensive in meaning so far, even if she still uses playful lyrics, the snippets are all pretty filled w deeper meanings behind them. Minimalistic can just be reflective of the lack of news or updates on the record at this point. I wonder if HtD is gonna get the Antonoff treatment with how he was producing the track during that baseball game livestream
  4. Hmm interesting thread, I like it! From the OP, I actually knew a lot about her references, and it's why she pulled me in. After being a bit confused and even disliking Born To Die, and laughing at her pheromones comment about the tigers, I ended up loving her sound once I actually focused just on it, no visuals etc. Without You was one of my instant favorites, OTTR, Blue Jeans, National Anthem and TTWMUG. Video Games and SS came after. Broadly speaking, I think what she taught me the most, and what I find extremely important, is to live in the moment, and to appreciate the small things in life that pull it together, moment by each moment. She's awakened me to a more introspective mindset and perspective. and how important it is to not take things for granted. To celebrate life more honestly and meaningfully really.
  5. I know what u mean. Even if she released the Love single heart-shaped vinyl, it wouldn't have been as effective as some would put it.. I guess since we're guessing dates, I think it'd be excellent if she chose Feb 18th for some kind of news, 21st for an album trailer, and a countdown period the first couple of weeks before the supposed 29th of March
  6. Some thoughts, and we already know to take this with a grain of salt as w anything else but. Festivals are booked, March 29th supposed date. Few comments on the record via Gucci interview. When do u think we'd get the album trailer, if we're to even get one??
  7. How amazing would that be actually. Right now, I'm thinking she could perform Lolita National Anthem Diet Mountain Dew Pretty When You Cry Love American Off To The Races But imagine her performing Million Dollar Man, Fucked My Way, COLAAAAA??!
  8. Since we know nothing, just finished London Spy like wow, and wouldn't it be amazing if Lana cameo'd in Archer the animated spy series? Or when are the people in charge of the 007 flicks commission her to do a track? Like, it's me ur little Venice (spy) Bitch
  9. Lol no thanks yeah I know it would've been kinda entertaining to c him make vague promises tho. Points for creativity anyway hahahahahahaha
  10. Are u really telling me that Lana's manager just logged on to troll us, w no reassurances, or better yet he knows nothing either. I smell a farce WHERE IS THE NEWS
  11. Looooool no exactly hahahaha, and no nothing to him, I mean I added two reassurances, hope Nick didn't take it personally, ended my thoughts w fashion magazines (still haven't found it) so yeah. I mean if I sounded like a bitch I'm sorry, didn't mean to, I know I've got a capacity to b, but not here if that's what u were worried about Just found it puzzling that her lack of privacy's sort of made into gains but I guess it's understandable for multiple reasons, like one seeing as to how some peeps might want hints as to whether or not or how much her personal life's gonna impact her music among others. Like for myself, wanted to now if this was a clue or some sort of reassurance from how it might've compiled into a theory that I think Lana's uncomfortable w the lack of privacy bc of her fame, and that might've guided her to some lyrical aspects of Hope . . . but I Have It, and how I could better understand that perspective. / To add to the thread, seems like they get along, as to how or thru which emotions guiding them, is really for them to know, and I didn't even think to have minded
  12. I mean there was a slash, but heyo I'm glad? idk hahahahahahahaha
  13. I AM thee focking party lol and I mean if it counts I don't. Next page we're all good
  14. Heyo I know ur revered here and everything and just no disrespect but can u like delete this. As if it were fucking wise to quote a guy with jolly ranchered-colored electric chairs, but damn people were rooting for u for other things, not this
  15. Not to really rag on anyone, but I'd love it if she didn't have the poetry book as a bundle with the music. I want to know that we'll be getting two different things, in different veins from her, separately. Imo it'd seem more like an integrous thing to do artistically. Maybe a bit off topic, but since it's been a bit of a while since she's had any kind of news, even just linked Hope onto her insta, I'd love for her to release another double sided vinyl, like she did w Love and Lfl. I totally missed out getting one thinking someone got one for me but they were late too oh well I guess, but I think it'd be a perfect opportunity to really keep buzz alive, and still make decent revenue at the same time keeping her fans and managers happy, and she's already made the tracks so. (hopefully it can be pink) / AAAAAAANNNND as much as this has been fun, really sometimes it can seem so similar to a flippin void that it'd be great if we got just any kind of information towards the release of the album. Dates. Some kind of reassurance. Every time I think of this chasm of a lack of news I immediately think of the posts we've had during the Lfl period where a lot of users would say how they'd prefer her not say anything and just release things than give us the 411 and lag it, which, imo, is still pretty valid, so I guess we're basically, funnily getting what we literally asked for LOL. This is me thinking optimistically tho and nothing's certain. I'm just perplexed at how she mentioned the record coming out at the top of the year, and sure words can be translated in different ways subject to the person understanding them, but if it were really true, and coming from supposedly an average persons collective thought, I'd think that the first half of the quarter of the year would be what the top(hat) of the year meant. 99 cents is more a dollar than what an actual dollar can mean if u ask me. But, since she does prolly have more knowledge of how things are going down w everything, it probably doesn't matter since she'll be making the decisions if she hasnt already, with the release, tracklist etc. I know the music'll be stellar, and what we've gotten's already so beautiful, so there's that, and don't get me wrong, I'd love for things to be clearly defined date wise etc. , but all we can fucking do is wait. Let's lead things w a higher perspective on these things. If Lana can release Hope both as a cheerleader of a track, as well as perhaps smartly as a warning, then it wouldn't be that difficult to just trust in what she wants to do. That last statement ofc would be void if she never does anything tho, so hey, mental equity? I still truly do hope that her managers'll get to maximize the most of what the album's shaping up to be. It'd be a shame to just leave it postpartum style and not give it the warm welcome we all know it deserves. oh, and I hope the vinyl is some shade of pink, a softer, more pale pink. That, or a groovy orange. Yeah
  16. I was actually just watching the Fyre festival documentary and sleeving that situation to this, and it just gives me real bad anxiety whenever I think about it
  17. Not while this post fooking exists at the very least http://instagram.com/p/BsfNuY0juH7/
  18. It's ok, trust u, thanks, idk but I feel similar Coachella vibes. We didn't even know she was releasing it til an Arab streaming site's info made its way to us lol
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