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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Not really sure or not, but just wanted to make a mini thread about listening to Lana tracks at night. Do you have any favorites that just peak at that time of day? Ultraviolence, for the most part plays so well during those late hours for night cruising. Any handful of songs ya think play best under moonlight?
  2. Some things are infectious, and from the posts above, I do understand what everyone's been saying about the hype. I'm kinda at that point where I can't really listen to Love or Coachella anymore, not because I dislike the songs, quite opposite, but because I don't want to overplay them to the path of ruin. LFL oddly replays so so well, the piano keys in the background at the hook of it just makes it impossible to forget. I'm grateful for that. Maybe I'll have my mind changed when the album comes out fully, I think it's easier to sum things up via desire or lack thereof of it when we get to listen to the album as a whole. 18 tracks can u believe? Hey, managed to end the post on a pos note. Lukewarm "Woo"
  3. Even though the forum divides itself between those who want LIB and those who don't, I really do love what we've heard from the track, and trying to dislike the movie it was supposed to be part of the score with didn't really work all that well. It's a beautiful film, and even if they've stored the track who knows where and for whatever reason, LIB, it's simply magical. I do hold out hope towards listening to it in full one day.
  4. Was really hyped for what she was giving us via the album trailer tho. I wonder if she'll have another trailer if this is true
  5. I'm truly conflicted by this because a. she's on a track which means new music, and b. if she isn't, the demo collab btwn them (if even real) could end up on LFL. This is like a pandora's box for my brain.
  6. Will look into this further later, on mobile, but yeah didn't Ben or someone from her team basically say that as the album came closer to, that all the details from the vid will be revealed? Let's hope the pushback didn't alter that all too much
  7. Apparently there's a sex worker that missed the Cherry performance vid on her insta, she's on the forefront of Change's comment section. What's truly coming?
  8. West Hollywood is a magical place, but I still wanna know why Lana's been frequenting it so much these days. Pride month? A track just for hunties? July's such a tease, I feel like those who'd fetishize the wait would have their eyes roll back twice and still feel dry afterwards
  9. I miss the sense and sound of Luxury is what I meant , but I think what ya mentioned sorta translates so I'm just like with a facet of
  10. Listened to Sad Girl today, it's so fun to strut to it when you're walking outside right before the sun sets
  11. Honestly, I feel like chances for an outtake 'leaking' are more probable than a new track. One of those times I really wish I'm wrong tho +1 on the new Ride kinda song, iconic's always welcome I personally wanna know what a LFL version of Blue Jeans would sound like.
  12. Well, I just have a feeling that God Bless America is probably one of those tracks we'll love on the album, but won't get til who knows when. Yosemite sounds like a track about peaking somehow, so slow, anthemic, more contemplative (like looking down from the top idk), so that's probably gonna be at the latter part of the album? And if that's true, then chances are thin. Cherry sounds like a mid track on the record.. we have already heard it tho, so I agree with ya on that one. I wonder if she's teasing all these snippets to help her decide which one she should release next. Everything's been so blank this cycle, I feel like my imagination's running in circles for things that aren't even validated But I do agree, something diff from Cherry Ur rite it was a mess, no lies. Listened to em, redeemed myself now imo
  13. Oh my god I honestly forgot that we had Best American Record and Fine China to listen to brb
  14. I've only been listening to the title track every once in a while a week, and I usually have Love on shuffle, but never really play it deliberately these days. Coachella too. I feel like it's been dry so far, and having only 2 tracks off the album is sorta, well stale, but I guess if the albums coming late July, another single might just come next month before we get the entire thing. I wonder if Cherry is the third track of the album.
  15. A little more than 6 weeks til LFL, when's the pre order gonna come ya guys think?
  16. I love the meaning behind Change, but I just ca't get into it on a sonic kind of level. Maybe the entire track will change my mind tho. Also, I loved White Mustang
  17. Honestly, with everyone's bickering and the mixed reception of the tracks, I wouldn't be surprised if she halted the project til spring of next year. But by then even science's most potent formula of viagra wouldn't be able to revive anyone's lust for life if that were to happen so
  18. But wait, nothing's confirmed absolutely right? Honestly dk why everyone's freaking out so well when nothing's been made final. It's kinda like watching banks compete, how she's got tracks and tracks for prep. Album tracks for those that make it, and leaked outtakes for those that don't. . . . So where the hell does LIB fit in?
  19. Watching the H&M ad for Blue Velvet sort of took away the song for me, and it's difficult to capture it all back.
  20. So Far Away by Carole King, I can just imagine it sending me someplace else.
  21. I wonder what the album's third track will be. SOC and TLY were just blissful..
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