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Anita Malfatti

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Everything posted by Anita Malfatti

  1. Hey it's been 2 years since my last post here, I didn't like Blue Banisters that much (first lana album that didn't hit me, I really don't like the way she sings on it!) but I'm loving the snippets so far! Currently listening to 'Grandfather...' again and again even with the horrible TAG
  2. I wouldn’t expect anything album-wise until July 28th, when the audiobook will be released. Maybe she’ll talk about Cocc in august!
  3. I would love to hear Honey Pie by the Beatles in Lana’s voice <3 please Lana make it happen, would be a nice closer to Cocc imo
  4. Guys.. the image that has leaked is a 35mm photo, so if it’s really fake, the person who shot the photo had some professional photograph equipment
  5. The fake lyricist did a good job! I almost believed it was real. Girl if you’re in here you should start a career
  6. you guys talking about NFR not being political but it’s her most political record so far imo. Look at The Greatest, Hope, etc The biggest difference between NFR e Lust for Life is that she talks about politics with elegance and cleverness in NFR, while in LFL she’s just being... nice
  7. I would only “cancel” Lana if she punched my family in the face and depending on the relative punched I would still support her
  8. Just a fun fact: I see so many people calling “violins” and “orchestration” the sound of what in reality is just a Mellotron. I didnt know that until a few months ago tho “Just” a mellotron doesn’t make justice to this iconic instrument, I’m sorry. Anyway
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