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Everything posted by Oiran

  1. the thread got bumped and read it now.something wrong with that?i'm chill lol perhaps you need to take on your own advice.i didn't say you called her ugly you okay?
  2. Priscilla is 72 and she looks gorgeous for her age plus that she was a victim of a bad cosmetic job with low grade silicon similar to that used by mechanics to grease car parts injected by an unqualified plastic surgeon.He ended up in jail.I'm pretty sure Lana will be absolutely fine
  3. that would require the hex actually working though.Which is not the case
  4. Oiran

    Melanie Martinez

    Oh my God! what is this????You seriously wish strangers to get raped???? @Elle are you going to ban this member? I remember there was someone who got banned for wishing death on members.This person won't get a ban for the rape wishes?
  5. well I will not. Direct that "shut up" elsewhere kid. Who the fuck are you to tell me to shut up? fuck off
  6. Oh honey, you quoted wrong person. I didn't start this, they did. You should tell them to "stop", not me.
  7. How exactly he was "trusted"? Providing information(he actually didn't provide anything useful) doesn't make someone trusted and given his nasty behavior i'm absolutely sure 99% of the people here would never "trust" him. And um, you didn't even read my whole 20 posts, show me exactly in which posts I'm acting like a 12 year old? Didn't know that voicing my opinion in various threads is "childish"? However judging by that childish empty response you just gave me it's pretty obvious who the child is.Grow up u still live in the fantasy magic world sweety! xxo
  8. Oh honey... what post count has to do with anything..? leaked_version for example has more posts/online time than you yet everyone hated him. Not exactly a "trusted" person don't you think? Hmm... I don't need "your trust" anyway, go back to your cauldron.
  9. Don't you worry. You can always hex them Poor La Dolce Vita got attacked for hours... and Arcadia started it. She learned her lesson. ontopic: I liked the video a lot, it makes me wonder how it would be originally had BAR not leaked at first place but I like that they didn't scrap the whole footage and used some of it for mustang. It's still really good.
  10. Convenient again! Interesting how you can't even answer my last question. Well since you don't want this to continue any further how about you tell the people (everyone) in this thread to STOP commenting on the said subject? By everyone I mean literally everyone. Go ahead.
  11. You CONVENIENTLY choose to ignore your CATTY responses to Dolce not just that "jokeee picture" you first posted. Any comment on that? Because you started it
  12. I included that AND her catty responses to La Dolce. That was the problem since the beginning. When Dolce entered the thread they just proceeded to post their theory. Didn't even comment on the previous comments. Do you understand how it started?
  13. La Dolce Vita entered the thread (after the 234 pages of "he's ugly" x1000 comments) to post a theory for the video. Arcadia then first quoted them with her shit ass picture "IT'S NOT THAT DEEPZZZ" (oh and tearing down a stranger's appearance from the video is "deep"? haha..) plus her next catty response to La Dolce. That's the problem and that's what started it. It's Arcadia's fault. If she can't take it then she needs to learn she shouldn't dish it either. It's that simple. Had Arcadia not been catty to Dolce Vita none of this would have happened. She got what she deserved and that will be the end of this story. And Like Dolce Vita very well said, the bully got bullied. I'm still waiting to see when Arcadia is going to ask people to stop commenting on this subject and by that I mean ALL the people including the knights in shining armor that popped up in the thread to defend her bruised honor. Fair is fair.
  14. Bingo. She is whining for you to "stop clogging the thread" (eventho no you are not clogging the thread) but I don't see her doing the same for everyone else that brought it up/keep bringing it up? Oh wait, that's because they were supportive of her and she needed that. Funny how that works.
  15. 1. It's not about being good or bad. It's not a bad thing, it just showed that you were clearly bothered and came back after an hour to add "you are not insecure" while with that move u just prove u are. 2. You made the thread 6 months ago and u started losing weight 1 month ago? oh.. because you confessed you tried dozen of times and it only lasted a month at most. 3-4. Secure people don't feel the need to get surgery to change their faces tho, that contradicts your statement abt not being insecure. How come? Also secure people don't have issue to reveal a face.It's not like on your face there will be your name and every info about you. Pretty much the opposite. It's not an attempt to humiliate you but point out the flaws in your original post-then edited after an hour post-and current post.
  16. lol you came back to edit that 40 mins later? "you are not insecure" yet you come back almost an hour later to edit it. okay...we believe you... ohh... since you are so confident about the face and you say "it's taking years to save up $$ for surgery to fix the faces", then show us yours. You are not insecure right? 6 months to lose all the weight? yet you started your thread regarding the weight loss 6 months ago and you lost only 10lbs. The time and numbers are not adding up sweetheart Nvm u won't post a pic of yourself even tho you said you are secure with yourself you admitted it on your curiouscat page that you are indeed insecure: Anon 22d Would u ever get plastic surgery velvetgroupie Yes Anon 22d U should post a pic of urself on here velvetgroupie No, I'm too insecure lol
  17. Oh yesss! This makes a lot of sense for many things in the clip and the songs too. The guy in the vid looks so much like axl and i don't think it's a coincidence having an axl rose lookalike and a white mustang together. It might be a mix of Axl and Jimmy. It's interesting to think about it either way.
  18. 1) Delicious 2) Betty boop poop 3) Angels Forever 4) The Blackest Day 5) Summertime 6) Delicious 7) Betty boop boop 8) ^see above 9) ^again 10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18 ) Betty boop boop Im not delusional I promise
  19. Thing is, you are not George Carlin. Secondly you contradicted yourself. First you claimed you were being serious and sincere "worrying" for lana's safety and next minute you claimed it's a joke. Had I not quoted your "it's a joke.get over it" post you deleted, you wouldn't even have tried now to say this crap for George Carlin. Like I said, make up your mind and stick to one "excuse" at a time. Love and light with lots of actual humor to you.
  20. Oh so now it's a joke? In your previous comment you tried to tell us that you were being sincere with your original comment and "concerned" about lana's safety. Now it's a joke? How about you make up your mind and try to stick to one lie at time? You were being shitty with your disgusting comment. Get over it. Nice attempt to cover your ass again. Your little edit and how you removed your quote to me "it's a joke. get over it". Too bad for you I already quoted it. Go back to trying to find another excuse. Dismissed.
  21. disgusting The fact you have the nerve to comment after such a disgusting comment and point the finger at us for reacting is all too much. If you were indeed 'concerned' for her safety you wouldn't have said so blatantly your first comment. Spare us with this excuse.Making light of murder is more than enough reason for us to react. Be more considerate with your comments.
  22. Lana is working on the album to make it perfect and add more songs which is amazing news yet some of her fans are having meltdowns and harassing Ben? #logic. Lana is not interested in having hits and all that, she just wants to be able to make great music and take her time to perfect her albums. Her whiny fans need to chill and go out for some fresh air and whatever I'm still laughing so hard with Ben's answer to that @ohdiejongen person. Brilliant and well deserved. Like some of her fans know anything about "professionalism" when they are being whiny brats themselves lmao
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